Category: The Inauguration

Jennifer Lopez Screamed “Let’s Get Loud” While Performing At The Inauguration

January 20, 2021 / Posted by:

Apologies to Lady Gaga, but today’s Presidential Inauguration of Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris is not just an outdoor Lady Gaga concert with a patriotic star wars and stripes theme. And as such, Lady Gaga can’t perform all the performances. She got the National Anthem, aka the ultimate “This could be good or this could be BAD” song. And Jennifer Lopez gave us a rousing rendition of “This Land Is Your Land.” The land may be your land, but the song was 100% JLo. She decided to give us the remix no one needed today, by name dropping the title of her song “Let’s Get Loud” while hitting the final few bars.

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Lady Gaga Sang The National Anthem Dressed As “Hunger Games” Heidi

January 20, 2021 / Posted by:

Well, Lady Gaga indeed sang the National Anthem as expected at the inauguration of 46th President of the United States Joe Biden and it went off without a hitch! She dressed in her most demure of evening gowns, took that mountaintop yodeling hairstyle out to the podium, and sang her ass off. She was no Whitney Houston, but hey, if they wanted Whitney I’m sure the inaugural committee could have rented her hologram.

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Inauguration Day Open Post: Hosted By Lady Gaga In Fancy “Star Wars” Cosplay

January 20, 2021 / Posted by:

CNET says that the look Lady Gaga chose to wear as she arrived ahead of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris‘ Presidential inauguration today has the internet drawing some comparisons. Not to Madonna, as is usually the case, but instead to the intergalactic fight between good and evil known as Star Wars. Gaga showed up looking like an all-white Sith Lord, and honestly, is all-white anything the vibe after that insurrection?

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