Category: The Eras Tour

Taylor Swift Performed “Dear John” For The First Time In 11 Years And Seemingly Told Her Fans Not To Start Trolling John Mayer Over It Again

June 26, 2023 / Posted by:

Hopefully, John Mayer has access to some kind of underground bunker (under Andy Cohen’s low bar should be deep enough) in preparation for Taylor Swift’s Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) album release because Taylor just performed her song “Dear John” (that’s pretty obviously about him) for the first time in 11 years at one of her recent Eras Tour shows. Though she prefaced it by seemingly telling her fans to LEAVE JOHN ALONE, I’m pretty confident that before she even finished singing the song, at least one of her diehards probably DMed John a video of the performance and threatened to smack the stanky guitar face right off of him–despite fellow (but considered to be less nefarious in Taylor’s fandom) Speak Now muse, Taylor Lautner, also recently sending John his prayers for mercy leading up to the (legal) July 7 album re-release.

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A Politician Filed “Official Grievance” Over Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour Skipping Over Canada

June 22, 2023 / Posted by:

While the American impression of Canada is a haven of free healthcare, low unemployment rates, and an unusually friendly social nature, don’t be fooled! Like any country, the Great White North has its problems: violations of the rights of marginalized groups, abuses by Canadian mining companies, and the most pressing matter of them all; not a single tour date has been announced yet for Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour! This is why Canadian MP Matt Jeneroux is filing an “official grievance” with the House of Commons “on behalf of all Swifties,” calling on Taylor Swift to reconsider and bring her Eras Tour to Canada. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

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