Category: Stephen Amell

Stephen Amell Reportedly Yelled At The Judge Who Ruled Against Him In His Legal Battle Against An Animal Rescue Group

November 3, 2022 / Posted by:

Actor Stephen Amell is a lot of things to a lot of different people. For some, he’s the hunky Green Arrow in the DC Comics’ Arrowverse. For others, myself included, he’s the “isn’t he that the guy who got escorted off an airplane for being a drunk asshole and yelling at his wife and accused his neighbor of taking a shit on his roof in retaliation in a dispute over construction noise?” guy. For others still, he’s known for having coined the term overly sexualized velociraptor. And now, according to Page Six, Stephen can add “that guy who took an animal rescue group to court and yelled at the judge when they ruled against him” to his ever-growing list of claims to fame.

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Stephen Amell Is “Ashamed” About Getting Kicked Off A Flight For Drunkenly Yelling At His Wife

September 1, 2021 / Posted by:

Back in June, former Arrow star Stephen Amell was kicked off a flight in Austin, TX for loudly and drunkenly berating his wife, America’s Next Top Mia Farrow Pixie Cut Rejector Cassandra Jean Amell. Now that Stephen has had some time to reflect on his poor behavior, he’s come away with some clarity. Don’t be a drunken asshole and scream at your wife in public. Especially if you’re a “celebrity.” Do that shit in private. Another way you know Stephen has really examined his behavior is that he barely mentioned the worst part of the whole incident. No, not that his wife was so mad at him they are still working through it, but that TMZ used an unflattering, outdated picture of him in their coverage of the incident. He’s not that same asshole anymore! He’s lightly bearded now and has traded in his douchey snapbacks for the softer, gentler look of buffs. In public at least.

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Stephen Amell Got Kicked Off A Flight For Yelling At His Wife

June 23, 2021 / Posted by:

Even though things are starting to open back up, one thing I’m not looking forward to getting back to is flying, especially knowing that there are rogue CW stars like Arrow’s Stephen Amell out here causing a ruckus. According to Page Six, on Monday, Stephen was escorted off a flight by an air marshal for allegedly yelling at his wife, America’s Next Top Model quitter Cassandra Jean Amell, in a drunken rage. How are we expected to get back to normal when even blandly handsome white men of The CW can’t manage to take off without incident?

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Stephen Amell Accused His Neighbor Of Taking A Dump On His Roof

June 15, 2020 / Posted by:

With everyone stuck at home, neighborhood dramas have surely flared across the globe. Stephen Amell, who’s in Arrow, had his petty dramas elevated to a pretty intense level, as he revealed that he and his neighbor were experiencing some friction. It has supposedly gotten so bad that he had to bring it to Twitter’s attention. What happened, you wonder? Did someone egg his windows? Slash a tire? Bag of flaming shit left at the front door? Close–Stephen has accused his neighbor of climbing onto his roof and taking a big-old dump. Well hey! Maybe she was in a rush and the only place to go was… his roof? Yeah, that’s on purpose.

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