Chet Hanks Posted An Anti-Vaxxer Rant On Instagram

August 10, 2021 / Posted by:

So how’s everybody’s White Boy Summer™ going? Mine’s OK, just trying to soak up the sun, read more books, go on regular walks, etc. But what about the founder of White Boy Summer™, Chet Hanks? How’s he? Well, the answer is… the worst. Chet Hanks is the worst. “Tell me something I don’t know!” you might be saying. And, yes, fair.

This wannabe Jamaican nepotism douchebaby “rapper” has never not sucked. But yesterday he managed to top himself when he posted an anti-vaxxer rant video on Instagram. Yep, the son of celebrity COVID survivors Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson doesn’t think we should get the vaccine. 31-year-old Chet’s thinking is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” meaning if he’s never contracted COVID, AKA “the motherfuckin’ flu”, why should he need to get vaxxed against it? Yup, this could be Darwin’s time to shine!

Here’s Chet’s Instagram anti-vaxx vid, which initially disguises itself as a pro-vaccine PSA. Right up until Chet yells, “PSYCH!”:

Here’s the rant transcribed:

I’ve been on the fence about this for awhile, that’s why I never spoke on it, but with the amount of people I know recently that have gotten COVID, and with the numbers rising, I think it’s important for me to say I got the vaccine, I think everybody should.

It’s really important that we all do this. I suggest to all my followers, you guys, set an appointment and get the vaccine first thing…

PSYCH! Bitch! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! I never had COVID. Y’ain’t sticking me with that motherfuckin’ needle! It’s the motherfuckin’ flu. Get over it, OK? If you’re sick, stay inside. I’m tired of havin’ ta- OK? Why are we working around y’all? If you’re in danger, stay your ass inside, I’m tired of wearing a motherfuckin’ mask!

Soon after, Chet posted an Instagram Story of him walking in a parking lot and talking about a recent encounter he had at Barnes & Noble (yep, HE CAN READ!):

So sick of this mask shit, dude. Barnes & Noble. Buyin’ books. Check out. My mask slips like a little millimeter past my nostril…
(as cashier) “Uh, sir you gotta have your mask”
“Uh, ya, my bad, my bad.”
Slips down again.
(as cashier) “Sir, your mask”
“Uh, OK, my bad! Ahcha!” I go, “You’re really on it, huh?”
He goes, “Uhhh, YEAH, we are.” OK. He’s like, “Did you get the vaccine?”
I’m like, “Yeah yeah, For sure I got the vaccine… PSYCH! Bitch! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, I never had COVID.”

Then he posted a story with this text:

The vaccine should be a choice not a requirement to perform our basic rights yeah I said it!!!!! Be as mad as you want IDGAF !!!!

Oh, we’re well aware you don’t give a fuck, Chet. You’re a privileged ignoramus, deep in the throes of your White Boy Summer™. The only thing you care about is Daddy Hanks continuing to deposit thousands of dollars into your bank account every month. So if we’re you, I wouldn’t be minimizing the disease that sent your parents to the hospital. It takes only one phone call to the family lawyer to get your ass booted from the will. And then what will happen to your precious “rap career”?

Pic: Instagram

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