Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Have Signed A Huge Deal With Netflix

September 2, 2020 / Posted by:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle can let out a huge sigh of relief today. Because no longer do they have to stress about awkwardly changing the subject when one of their new neighbors asks, “So what is it that you do for work?” For a long time, Harry and Meghan have been – ahem – between jobs, due to COVID-19 messing up their ability to make some money from those lucrative speaking engagements they were hoping to land after stepping down as senior royals. But Harry and Meghan are officially employed people, thanks to a multi-project deal with Netflix.

Harry and Meghan confirmed the news today with a statement about their new Netflix gig, which we’ve heard whispers about since back in January. At that time, it was rumored Netflix was hoping to work with Harry and Meghan in some way. Well, what we’re learning now is that Netflix is going for maximum capacity. via Variety:

Under their new, multi-year deal at Netflix, the couple will make documentaries, feature films, scripted television shows and children’s series.

Documentaries plural? Feature films with an s? Scripted television shows as in more than one? Multiple children’s series? That’s like, at least, 8 potential Harry & Meghan-helmed projects in the works. Is it too early to change the name from Netflix to Sussix?

Here is Harry and Meghan’s statement, confirming their deal with the streaming service. Not surprisingly, a lot of their prospective content will be about activism, outreach, and education:

“Our lives, both independent of each other, and as a couple have allowed us to understand the power of the human spirit: of courage, resilience, and the need for connection. Through our work with diverse communities and their environments, to shining a light on people and causes around the world, our focus will be on creating content that informs but also gives hope. As new parents, making inspirational family programming is also important to us, as is powerful storytelling through a truthful and relatable lens. We are pleased to work with Ted [Sarandos] and the team at Netflix whose unprecedented reach will help us share impactful content that unlocks action.”

Variety adds that several of their projects will most likely revolve around issues connected to their soon-to-be (officially) launched charity project Archewell. As for how much air time Harry and Meghan will see, it’s not likely that they’ll be the stars of every project. Sorry, Harry!

The Duke and Duchess want to highlight diverse voices in front of and behind the camera, and are committed to diverse hiring practices for key roles at their production company, per a source familiar with the deal.

Harry and Meghan already have a few projects in production: a nature docuseries, and an animated series about inspirational women. A source tells Variety that Meghan has, “no plans to return to acting,” so it’s likely that any Netflix appearances will be limited to describing bees or meerkats or the mating habits of salmon in a nature documentary. Just like she did with her Disney+ documentary, Elephant. Speaking of Disney+, it was suspected that Meghan might end up signing a deal with Disney+ for multiple projects, like Beyoncé and her reported $100 million contract with Disney+.

I can totally see why Harry and Meghan went with Netflix. We don’t know how much their deal is worth, but considering it’s Netflix, and considering they’re two extremely famous people, my guess is somewhere in the ballpark of: A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY. And who knows? Maybe this is just the beginning. Today it’s nature documentaries and children’s programming, tomorrow it might be cooking competitions and game shows. Maybe a spin-off of Floor is Lava, called The Palace is Hell, where you try to get the fuck out of the UK before a little old lady in a grey wig and pearls swats your ass with a pastel handbag.


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