Open Post: Hosted By The “Black Widow” Teaser Trailer

December 3, 2019 / Posted by:

We’ve been waiting a long time for a standalone movie starring one of, like, two main female superhero characters from The Avengers universe. Yes, Gwyneth Paltrow, Black Widow is a part of The Avengers universe. I’m sure you’re shocked by this news. But anyway, the Black Widow teaser trailer is finally upon us revealing the glory of Black Widow for the Nerdsphere to cream themselves over.

The trailer is the #1 video trending on YouTube right now, so clearly people are into it And clearly everything Marvel touches makes millions of dollars no matter what, even just for two minutes of plotless montage. The movie stars Rachel Weisz, David Harbour and Florence Pugh. It must be a prequel to Avengers: Endgame or Black Widow (SPOILER ALERT) is a zombie.

Here’s the teaser trailer, which seems like a full-ass trailer to me. What the Hell is the difference?

I love that Scarlett is breaking boundaries. Watching a transgender man of Asian descent lead an action movie is truly groundbreaking. And I almost forgot how she’s part tree! What a multicultural icon Black Widow will turn out to be.

Pic: YouTube

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