Category: Sorcery

Lady Gaga Appeared To Be Protected From A Thrown Object By An Invisible Shield On Stage

July 25, 2022 / Posted by:

Lady Gaga is a mystical being who over the years has seemed to possess an invisible force field that blocks lots of things–like House of Gucci Oscars, Heidi Montag being able to secure a career in the music industry, and having to make small talk with Caitlyn Jenner at their local Starby’s. This week though, it looks like she had an actual invisible shield constructed on stage at her Chromatica Ball show in Dusseldorf. Video from the show went viral after it showed an object that a fan hurled toward the stage at “Mother Monster” quickly bouncing backwards as it approached, much like Madonna probably would if she were about to walk into a room where Born This Way was playing.

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