Category: Endless Apology Tour

Will Smith Is Once Again Reminding Us Of The Oscars Slap On TikTok And People Have Thoughts

February 22, 2023 / Posted by:

We will NEVER stop talking about the time Will Smith really thought he was Muhammad Ali and slapped the taste out of Chris Rock‘s mouth at The Oscars, especially with the latest edition of that boring broadcast coming up in a few weeks. I wonder if they will be allowed to make jokes about it this year since we’ve all been making jokes since it happened. In any case, Will has put on the tears and the remorse for the dog and pony show that was his wack ass apology tour. And now he’s at the point where he can poke a little fun at himself with a TikTok that asks the question, “What does my Oscar think?

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Will Smith Breaks Down In Tears While Talking About The Oscars Slap On “The Daily Show”

November 29, 2022 / Posted by:

I knew THIS moment would be coming after Will Smith started opening up about The Slap heard ’round the world in preparation for his upcoming film Emancipation and Oscar campaign. Will went on a brief apology tour over the summer, but he’s upping the ante with waterworks and a sweet story involving one of his family members during an interview with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.

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