Category: Eco Friendly

Scientists Have Named A Species Of Tree After Leonardo DiCaprio

January 7, 2022 / Posted by:

Members of the Pussy Posse were probably so confused by this news. “A tree? Sure I guess, but Leonardo DiCaprio is much more familiar with a bush.” If only those scientists knew the man they were naming tree species after, they might have stayed a little more on brand. But for now, they decided to honor the part-time eco-activist with his own kind of tree. Leo gets his own tree before aspiring tree Scarlett Johansson? A bold move.

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Duchess Kate Recycled An Old Dress For The Earthshot Prize Awards

October 18, 2021 / Posted by:

British royalty, they’re just like you! They also find themselves reaching into the back of their closet from time to time, rummaging around to see what old ensemble they can dust off and repurpose for an event. Sure, the event is usually black-tie and invite-only, and the closet is a climate-controlled storage hall, and the ensemble in question is too expensive for you to even breathe near. But aside from all that, totally relatable! Like Duchess Kate who gave everyone a case of déjà-vu at the 2021 Earthshot Awards yesterday when she re-wore an old Alexander McQueen dress from 2011. She probably even threw it in the Dryel bag herself!

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Joaquin Phoenix Plans On Wearing The Same Tux Throughout Awards Season

January 7, 2020 / Posted by:

Is Greta Thunberg too shrill and preachy for you? Looking for an environmental activist who’s proposing simple, relatable changes you can make in your daily life to help combat climate change? Look no further than Joaquin Phoenix who already offered you a simple solution of not always taking “private jets to Palm Springs for the awards sometimes or back” in his Golden Globes acceptance speech. I don’t know about you, but I felt that. I felt he was speaking directly to me, someone who is admittedly guilty of such waste. I’m embarrassed to admit this but I once fueled up the jet to go grocery shopping, realized I had forgotten my wallet at about 20,000 feet, and had to turn right around and go back. Derp! Now, according to The Independent, Joaquin has another completely relatable and plan for the environment. He’s going to wear the same tuxedo “for the entire award season to reduce waste.” It’s bold, it’s brave, it’s risky, but it’s doable. Greta’s too scary, you guys!

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