Category: BRIT Awards

Lorde >>> Lady Gaga, So Thinks David Bowie’s Son

February 25, 2016 / Posted by:

Don’t let that screen shot fool you. That’s not a still from Kylie Jenner’s performance art video about being trapped in Pimp Mama Kris’ Satanic womb. It’s just Lorde performing in a sea of darkroom safe lights at the BRIT Awards last night. It also kind of looks like she’s a prisoner in a Pizza Hut red cup. But I digress…

After Lady CaCa splattered up her weird “Intel commercial on acid” meets “something you’d see at a Burning Man talent show” David Bowie tribute at the Grammys, his son, Duncan Jones, tweeted his review of her homage to herself. Duncan Jones tweeted the exact Google definition of “gaga.” Dude pretty much hated it:

Surprisingly, Duncan Jones’ eyeballs didn’t melt into his sockets while reading the tweets from crazed Little Monsters who wished ass AIDS on his dog. Duncan Jones is still able to see, because he watched the BRIT Awards tribute to his father done by David Bowie’s former touring band and the Hot Topic chanteuse we call Lorde. At last night’s BRITs, Annie Lennox and Panty Creamer Gary Oldman told a funny story about David Bowie before introducing Bowie’s former touring band and the Tim Burton Kewpie doll who yodeled out “Life On Mars” while dressed like a theater usher.

Duncan Jones tweeted this after that performance:

I co-sign that, but with that being said, we’re going to forget about Gaga’s and Lorde’s tributes on Sunday night. At the Oscars, Tilda Swinton is going to sashay onto the stage and reveal herself as a David Bowie clone by ripping off her face mask. Then she’s going to beam herself up to their home planet of Mars to join her overlord, the Goblin King. That’s probably going to happen.

And here’s Lorde “canoodling” with Taylor Swift hater Diplo while going to Justin Bieber’s BRIT Awards after-party.


Adele Announced That She’s On Team Kesha At The BRIT Awards

February 24, 2016 / Posted by:

The BRIT Awards are happening right now in The Land of Many Cakes. As you can already guess, Adele is going to need a shipping container to haul home all her awards. So far she’s only won one: Best British Female Solo Artist. Adele kept her acceptance speech short and sweet, no doubt because she was saving her voice for the 1,293 other acceptance speeches she’d no doubt make later in the evening. But one of the things she made sure to do after thanking everyone was to give a shout-out to Kesha by saying: “I’d like to take this moment to publicly support Kesha.” I might be jumping to conclusions, but Dr. Luke can probably go ahead and cross the name Adele off his list of dream collaborations.

Demi Lovato is totally sending Taylor Swift a text right now that says: “See? It’s not that hard.

I don’t know if Kesha’s lawyers have decided whether or not to appeal a judge’s recent decision to keep her stuck in her contract with Sony. But if I were them, I’d be typing up a transcript of Adele’s acceptance speech and rushing down to the judge’s chambers with it as soon as possible. An endorsement from the current queen of music should be enough to have that judge overturn her decision. Right? I mean, unless that judge is Noel Gallagher, it couldn’t hurt.

As for Kesha, she released a longer, more formal statement regarding her current situation on Facebook (via Rolling Stone) this afternoon, which you can read all of after the cut.

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