Hot Slut Of The Day!

/ January 24, 2008

Jean Merola – The 75-year-old granny from Florida who was arrested outside of McDonald’s. She ordered fries and coffee. She asked for her fries without salt. McDonald’s told her to move up and they would bring out her order. The police officer behind her received his order, but when he asked her to move up so he could get around her, she didn’t respond to him. When he asked her for her license, she told him, “You are an evil man. Your wife is going to divorce you. Your kids probably hate you too. You are going to hell.

She was arrested.

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For Euphoria

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Birthday Sluts

/ January 24, 2008

Mischa Barton (22)
Nicole Lenz (28)
Tatyana Ali (29)
Matthew Lillard (38)
Mary Lou Retton (40)
Natassja Kinski (49)
Yakov Smirnoff (57)
Gennifer Flowers (58)
Aaron Neville (67)
Neil Diamond (67)
Ernest Borgnine (91)

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Not A Bad Idea

/ January 23, 2008

Get the Dlisted carrier pigeon! I need to send Jamie Lynn Spears a note: “Dear JL, You are not Juno. It was a damn movie. Only a movie. Now go slap your sister for me. xoxoxoMichael

Star Magazine claims that JL is planning to hand her baby over to her mother, Lynne, as soon as she gives birth. JL wants to concentrate on her career. What career? She’s having a laugh!

A source said, “After several weeks of personal soul searching and talks and discussions with her mum Jamie Lynn reluctantly agreed that giving up the baby is the right thing to do. Lynne says Jamie doesn’t understand the life long consequences of having a baby. She still wants her daughter to be able to be a teenager, go to parties, hang out with friends and have a career. So she’ll take the front seat of caring for the baby and take the pressure off her daughter.”

Jamie Lynn’s manager has reportedly advised her to have the baby, take pictures with it, sell the pictures and then hand the baby over to Lynne. The source went on to say, “Lynne is convinced that having a baby on her hip will not help Jamie Lynn’s future in the business and she’s expecting her daughter to pick up where she left off as soon as the baby is born.”

Lynne is apparently excited about raising another baby. Great! That one will be having babies by the age of 11 and drinking Frapps by the age of 1! Wonderful things to look forward to.

At least Britney’s not asking to take care of the baby. Shit! I just gave her an idea. What have I done?

Source – Image: Popbytes

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