Nicola And Brooklyn Peltz Beckham’s Wedding “Chaos” Is Detailed In A Counter-Suit Filed By The Wedding Planners Her Dad Is Suing

February 21, 2023 / Posted by:

You don’t become a billionaire by throwing money away. Sure, it’s a great way to become an ex-billionaire, but you’re not making your way to the top of the food chain without getting litigious about every nickel and dime you think you’re owed. So it was no surprise that Nicola Peltz’s billionaire daddy, Nelson Peltz, decided to sue a pair of wedding planners for $159,000, a mere drop in one of the many buckets he’s probably got stashed under the tap of one of his untraceable overseas bank accounts. But unfortunately for Daddy Peltz, the bucket bit back and now he’s being counter-sued for breach of contract by Nicole Braghin and Arianna Grijalba, the third set of wedding planners they used, who were fired after an alleged nine days in hell of dealing with Nicola and her mom Claudia Peltz’ disorganization and unreasonable demands the planners claim kept them from doing their job.

Brooklyn Beckham’s starter wifey is probably throwing a Veruca Salt-sized tantrum thanks to Daddy Peltz’s hair-trigger “I’ll See You In Court!” reflex. Now all the world knows that $159,000 barely covered the cost of Nicola’s hair and makeup. Including Daddy Peltz, and that was supposed to be a secret between her and her mom! Nicola is definitely going to have to elope next time. The entire state of Florida, where the wedding took place, is now salted earth thanks to her “one-woman campaign to make sure Florida governor Ron DeSantis wasn’t invited.Page Six reports:

A blockbuster lawsuit has revealed that Brooklyn Beckham and Nicola Peltz’s wedding was such a snakes’ nest of secrets, lies, chaos, and mistrust behind the scenes that the father of the bride nearly called it off, blasting it as a “shit show.”

Beckham, the son of soccer legend David and fashion star Victoria, wed heiress Nicola Peltz in April 2022, and the $ 3 million, star-studded affair was splashed all over British Vogue.

According to court docs filed by the wedding planners, Nicola’s mother, Claudia, was hiding the true cost of the wedding from her husband — Westchester billionaire businessman, Nelson — and tried to get the planners to help her pull the wool over his eyes.

“It is believed that Nelson Peltz paid more than $100,000 plus travel expenses for Nicola’s hair and makeup services for the wedding,” says the suit. “Claudia mentioned to [one of the planners] that Nelson could not know the cost of the hair and makeup, or he would ‘kill her, and be so mad’.”

Well, Daddy was mad anyway. So mad he threatened to cancel the “shit show” altogether. But thankfully, cooler heads prevailed after “Claudia begged Nelson not to cancel the wedding because it would ‘destroy Nicola’s career.’” **stares in Ron DeSantis** One of the bigger issues the planners had with Nicola and her mom, was getting them to finalize their guest list. Apparently, Brooklyn’s sponsors, Victoria and David Beckham, were on the ball. However, Nicola and Claudia were a mess and tried to hide their messiness from the Beckhams.

The planners claim that they “attempted every which way to get Nicola and Claudia to review the guest lists, but they simply would not cooperate.” And they say that “Notwithstanding their lack of cooperation, Nicola repeatedly demanded live updates regarding guest RSVPs.”

The suit claims that while the Beckhams’ guest list was “fully organized with all contact information fully revised and nearly ready to go,” the Peltz parents’ list and the bride and groom’s own lists weren’t updated and had missing addresses, while “Nicola continued sending text messages in a [group chat] adding and removing certain guests – making the task of creating a comprehensive and complete guest list a moving target.”

But rather than focus on getting their affair in order, the planners claim, they seemed to focus on hiding their mess from the Beckhams.

“Both Claudia and Nicola had insisted that Victoria Beckham could not know about any internal mistakes regarding the ongoing planning of her son’s wedding, including any errors with the guest list,” reads the suit.

Elsewhere in the 188-page counter-suit, Page Six says the planners allege that Nicola “berated” them anytime they asked Brooklyn for input and reportedly texted them “I do not trust Brooklyn with this. U should be asking an assistant. He has no idea. And is guessing.” Ouch, his poor balls. Brooklyn probably has a natural aptitude for this type of thing, given that his parents were the ones who had their shit together. In a different life, he probably could have been a wedding planner himself. After all, he did think so ask if they could “get those guns that shoots a net because there’s probably gonna be drones [launched by the media].” In fact, he could have been a one-man show pulling triple duty as a wedding planner, caterer and photographer. Now, thanks to Daddy Peltz’s meddling, both Brooklyn and Nicole’s once-promising careers are hanging in the balance.

Pic: KOI SOJER/ Images

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