Alec And Hilaria Baldwin (Along With Their Child Army) Reacted To Ireland Baldwin’s Pregnancy Announcement

January 3, 2023 / Posted by:

Alec Baldwin will soon have pop-pop duties aside from yelling “pop! pop!on the set of Rust with a real gun or as he’s angrily pointing finger-guns at the paparazzi, even though they probably don’t care to snap him these days since his “culturally fluid” wife, Hilaria Thomas (Tomás?) Baldwin, shares their every mundane el movimiento on Instagram. And in true Hillary fashion, she just shared a video of her, Alec, and their seven rowdy Baldwinitos making Ireland Baldwin’s recent pregnancy announcement all about them.

According to The Daily Mail, Ireland announced last week that she and her boyfriend are expecting a rude little piglet (Ireland was right, that really won’t ever die) baby. 

Ireland, 27, who is Alec’s daughter with ex-wife Kim Basinger, 69, announced she’s expecting her first child.

Ireland announced the good news on Friday, December 30. She shared the happy news via a sweet Instagram snap of a sonogram picture.

‘Happy New Year ❤️ ‘ she wrote in the caption, tagging her boyfriend RAC, born Andre Allen Anjos

Here’s Ireland letting everyone know that her uterus is occupied:

Hilaria must be off her game because it took her a few days to orchestrate this obviously totally extemporaneous reaction video where their oldest daughter, Carmen (who’s nine), schools her screaming, over-it gaggle of siblings (Rafael, seven, Leonardo, six, Romeo, four, Eduardo and Lucia, both two, and three-month-old Ilaria) on what being an aunt or uncle means while “grandpa” looks burnt out and Hilaria’s wearing a sweatshirt that says “Empathy,” because all of the “Narcissism” ones must’ve on backorder.

On Monday, Hilaria posted a video on Instagram where their daughter Carmen explained the news to their other kids.

‘So you guys know what uncle means?’ Carmen asked her young siblings in the clip before explaining the term to them.

She then pointed to each of her siblings explaining if they would be an uncle or an aunt before telling her dad that he would be called a grandpa. 

Once he heard the term grandfather, the stunned actor put his hands over his eyes in mock distress. 

Carmen then broke the news to her siblings that their half-sister Ireland is pregnant. 

And then Hilaria took center-playroom-carpet to say “congratulations” from the whole fam while referring to herself as “grandma;” which definitely wasn’t just a thinly-veiled attempt to fish for feel-good comments about how she’s too young and hot to be an abuelita.

‘From all these excited tiny uncles and aunties and grandpa Alec and grandma me… We are so happy for you, Ireland and Andre…can’t wait to meet the little babe ❤️,’ Hilaria wrote in the videos caption. 

Here’s the vid:

Alec’s demeanor makes me think sinking even further into a pile of babies was the last thing he wanted. But, perhaps, this was all a part of Hillary’s master plan to get Alec “snipped” but still get to be surrounded by new bebés for a lifetime of tandem nursing pics. Offering Ireland the allowance she said she wasn’t getting would be a small price to pay; being able to show off nursing one of your own infants AND your “grandchild” simultaneously? Priceless.

Pics: Instagram/Instagram

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