Britney Spears’ Manager Of 25 Years, Larry Rudolph, Resigns, Saying That His “Services Are No Longer Needed”

July 6, 2021 / Posted by:

Over the weekend, Chris Hansen’s predator-catching successor, Ronan Farrow, dropped another flaming turd bomb in the lap of Daddy Spears when The New Yorker published his and writer Jia Tolentino’s exposé on Britney Spears’ 13-year conservatorship. Well, the flaming turd bombs keep dropping on Daddy Spears’ lap. Because this morning, Brit Brit’s manager of 25 years, Larry Rudolph, put in his quittin’ papers and said that he can’t manage the career of someone who really doesn’t want to have a career anymore. And TMZ is hearing that Brit Brit’s court-appointed lawyer, Sam Ingham, is also going to put in his quittin’ papers and resign as her attorney. Cut to the #FreeBritney movement holding up ZERO scores after watching Larry Rudolph and Sam Ingham swan dive off of the sinking ship that is Brit Brit’s conservatorship.

Ronan Farrow and Jia Tolentino’s New Yorker piece covers more alleged shadiness coming from Brit’s conservatorship. They alleged that when the conservatorship was set up in 2008, it took the judge only 10 minutes to approve it, no one testified, and Britney herself didn’t even get to say anything at the hearing. Britney’s mom, Lynne Spears, was reluctant to talk to Ronan and Jia and said she’s got mixed feelings about everything. They also reported that Lynne originally didn’t ask to be a co-conservator along with Britney’s dad, Jamie Spears, because she thought the conservatorship would last only a few months. Jacqueline Butcher, a former friend of the Spears family, added that Daddy Spears is a controlling piece of abusive shit who has called Brit “fat,” a “whore,” and “a terrible mother,” and has gotten rid of anyone his daughter got close to, like a housekeeper and her ex Jason Trawick.

Ronan and Jia also wrote that on June 22, the night before Britney told Judge Brenda Penny that she wants out of her conservatorship, she called 911 to report herself as a victim of conservatorship abuse. Well, Daddy Spears may be calling 911 today to report that he’s slowly becoming the victim of losing his prized cash cow. Because Larry Rudolph has let us know that he’s out of there.

Larry has been Britney’s manager since the mid-90s when her career was just a little seedling, and besides a short time between 2007 and 2008, he’s been her manager since. But not anymore. Deadline posted the exit letter that Larry gave to Britney’s conservators, Daddy Spears and Jodi Montgomery. Larry claimed that he hasn’t talked to Britney in over two years when she told him she wanted to take a work break. And Larry is resigning after finding out that she wants to retire for good:

It has been over 2 1/2 years since Britney and I last communicated, at which time she informed me she wanted to take an indefinite work hiatus. Earlier today, I became aware that Britney had been voicing her intention to officially retire.

As you know, I have never been a part of the conservatorship nor its operations, so I am not privy to many of these details. I was originally hired at Britney’s request to help manage and assist her with her career. And as her manager, I believe it is in Britney’s best interest for me to resign from her team as my professional services are no longer needed.

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation.

If dodging shit that’s about to hit the fan was an Olympic sport, Larry Rudolph may have just won the gold with that statement, because it looks like he’s exiting stage left before shit really, really gets messy. And following him out the door is Sam Ingham.

In 2008, Sam was appointed by the court to be Britney’s conservatorship lawyer. When Britney was finally able to speak to the court herself, she said that she wants to be able to pick out her own lawyer and said that she never knew she could file to end the conservatorship. Sources tell TMZ that Sam quit because he did give Britney all of her options and so she wasn’t telling the truth when she told the judge she didn’t know she could try to free herself from the conservatorship’s puppet strings.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Ingham is extremely upset at Britney’s statement in court … that she never knew she could end the conservatorship. We’re told Ingham regularly gave Britney options, including requesting that the conservatorship should end, but she never wanted to pull the plug.


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