Angelina Jolie Was Unsuccessful In Having The Judge Removed From Her And Brad Pitt’s Divorce Fight

October 5, 2020 / Posted by:

Angelina Jolie was trying to get the judge in her custody fight with Brad Pitt kicked off the case. But well, Us Weekly is reporting that the Honorable Judge W. Ouderkirk remains as the robe-wearing decision-maker in the battle of Jolie vs. Pitt. One petty issue down, about six billion more petty issues to go.

Back in August, Angelina demanded that Judge Ouderkirk be removed from their case. Judge Ouderkirk had been hired to oversee the Jolie/Pitt divorce, after Angelina and Brad decided they didn’t want the details of their fight going public. Angelina then decided that the choice to bring on Judge Ouderkirk was to Brad’s benefit, and Brad’s benefit only. She accused Judge Ouderkirk and Brad’s attorney’s Anne C. Kiley and Lance Spiegel of scheming together to bring her down. According to Angelina, Brad’s attorneys have worked with Judge Ouderkirk in the past, and therefore – according to her – the judge wasn’t able to remain impartial.

Brad’s side fired back, saying that Angelina was just trying to drag things out even longer than it’s already been dragged. It was also revealed that Angelina also had history with Judge Ouderkirk; he was the judge that presided over her and Brad’s 2014 wedding. He has also judged a few things for Angelina and Brad while they were still married. That brings us to last Friday, where official divorce documents made it very clear that Judge Ouderkirk isn’t going anywhere. via Us Weekly:

According to court documents obtained by Us Weekly on Friday, October 2, the case is “assigned to Honorable Judge W. Ouderkirk (Ret.) for all purposes.” A source later confirmed that Ouderkirk will be presiding over the case as the Maleficent star and the Fight Club actor prepare for their custody hearing.

Judge Ouderkirk previously acknowledged Angelina’s request, with what might be the profession judge way of saying, “You tried it.”

“The Objection to my continued service does not change my ability to objectively view and evaluate the evidence presented by both sides and apply the law impartially,” he wrote in previous court documents, noting that Jolie had “clearly failed” to prove any form of bias in the case. “Thank you for considering the issues presented affecting the lives of these parties and their children.”

Us Weekly says that after Angelina tried to make their judge disappear, Brad became determined to fight her as hard as possible over the custody of their 5 kids. Brad is demanding 50/50 joint legal and physical custody, while Angelina is reportedly refusing to let the kids be based in Los Angeles, and might possibly want to permanently relocate the kids out of the country, possibly in Europe.

A source tells Us that [Brad] is “seeking joint physical and legal custody of the kids and doesn’t want Angelina to be able to take the children out of the country/state/county without his permission.”

Jolie, for her part, “doesn’t want Los Angeles to be the home base for the kids” and “doesn’t want to ask Brad for his permission to take the kids.”

Good luck with all of that not turning into the legal equivalent of an explosive meth lab fire. And now that the judge elimination plan is off the table, I’m sure Brad’s side is anticipating that Angelina will find something else to object to. She could always go after Brad’s recent witness request. I look forward to Angelina’s lawyers shutting down his request to call her former Girl, Interrupted co-star Jillian Armenante.

I can already picture Angelina’s lawyer now. “I’m sorry your honor, but that was an ensemble cast. If you call Jillian, you also have to bring in Winona and Elisabeth Moss and the one that played the ballerina with an eating disorder. And as I recall, Angelina had a scene in an ice cream shop with Mary Kay Place. Have you even called her yet??


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