Category: Well This is Embarrassing!

Ben Affleck Sent A Woman A Video To Ask Her Why She Unmatched Him On Raya 

May 4, 2021 / Posted by:

Millions went to urgent care yesterday with a severe case of secondhand embarrassment after watching a sad video of Ben Affleck reaching new levels of desperate middle-aged man by asking a woman why she unmatched him on the dating app Raya. The woman is 32-year-old “influencer” and actress, Nivine Jay, and she shared the video of 48-year-old Ben shooting his sad shot with her TikTok followers. The video went viral and it’s even more embarrassing than his back tattoo.

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Max Ehrich Continues To Be A Pest And Demi Lovato Wants Him To Leave Her Alone

October 13, 2020 / Posted by:

It has been [∅] days since Max Ehrich made an absolute fool of himself. Yesterday, Max treated us to a master class in Stunt Tears For The Digital Age when he was papped crying at the same Malibu beach he proposed to his now ex-fiance Demi Lovato on. It was… well, it was a lot. Too much for Demi who, according to E! News, is embarrassed by his behavior and wants him to leave her alone. Meanwhile, Max continues to make the most of his moment in the spotlight (which in this case is more like a heat lamp at a Hometown Buffet) by responding to fans/trolls in his Instagram DMs with anguished selfies and getting the word out about his new single that’s supposed to come out on Friday. It’s all about the benefits of engaging with a licensed mental health professional and letting go. I’m kidding, it’s about Demi.

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