Category: Subway

Open Post: Hosted By Subway’s Limited-Edition Footlong Cookies

December 2, 2022 / Posted by:

Everyone knows the sandwiches at Subway are absolutely subpar. They’re basically lettuce mountains with extra bread, a little bit of meat and a whisper of cheese. Yummy! However, their cookies are the best thing on the menu, which is ironic since they’re probably one of the unhealthiest things they have to offer(which is why they’re so delicious). And now Subway wants to fully capitalize on the fact their cookies are the real star by offering a whole footlong of sweetness with a new line of 12-inch cookies.

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Open Post: Hosted By The Woman Who Claims Her Subway Sandwich Cost Her $1,800 At Australian Customs

July 14, 2022 / Posted by:

The New York Post says that before Australian model Jessica Lee hopped on a flight home from Singapore, she bought a foot-long Subway sandwich at the airport. She ate half before she got on the plane, and saved the rest on the flight. Unfortunately, Jessica made two fatal errors: she didn’t end up finishing the sub (I get it, Subway sandwiches are extra-gross when they’re soggy), and she forgot to declare her leftovers when she got to Australian customs. Specifically, she did not declare that she was bringing chicken and lettuce into the country. Since Australia doesn’t fuck around with their bio-security laws, Jessica was fined $2,664 ($1,803 US)! I knew paying so little for those $5 foot-longs would come back to bite us in the ass! Thanks for paying our karmic debt, Jess.

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Open Post: Hosted By The End Of The Subway “Fake Tuna” Lawsuit

October 10, 2021 / Posted by:

Well, after Subway tried and failed to give away their sad rubber slivers between sandpaper sandwiches, they got a win. Back in January, it was revealed that the “tuna” at some Subway locations was more like Franken-fish than the actual thing. And after months of speculation and an ensuing lawsuit a judge had finally thrown the entire case out due to lack of evidence.

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