Category: Make It Make Sense

Scout Willis Offered An Odd Explanation For Why Bruce Willis Is Not In Quarantine With His Wife

April 22, 2020 / Posted by:

Earlier this month when we learned that Bruce Willis was quarantining in Idaho with his ex-wife Demi Moore and their adult children Rumer (31), Scout (28) and Tallulah Willis (26, pictured above), keen observers noted (it was me, noted keen observer!) that it was odd that Bruce’s current wife, Emma Heming Willis and their two young daughters Mabel (8), and Evelyn (5), were nowhere to be seen. We know it wasn’t because they don’t make the family matching pajamas in toddler size because even the dogs were issued a pair. Turns out that Emma and their girls have been hunkered down in Los Angeles and Bruce has been playing house with Demi and their girls since March (timeline based on Tallulah reporting the Idaho quarantine pod had been together for 27 days sometime on or before April 7, via CNN). Now, according to People, Scout has offered up a completely believable and not at all weird explanation for why Bruce isn’t with his current family. You see, what had happened was, little Evelyn stabbed herself in the foot with a used syringe she found in the park. And you all thought some form of fuckery was afoot! Shame on you.

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