All Of The Judges From “American Idol” Are Reportedly Boycotting “The View” After Whoopi Goldberg’s Comments

June 16, 2023 / Posted by:

Here’s something like rain on your wedding day (aka “ironic” for those slow to catch on). After Whoopi Goldberg said the current state of our overly judgmental society began with American Idol, the current roster of judges, Lionel Richie, Luke Bryan, and Katy Perry, started barking against that narrative. However, as we all know, a hit dog will holler. And although there may be some truth to what Whoopi said, the three AI judges are boycotting both Whoopi and The View in a sign of solidarity.

Radar Online reports Whoopi’s comments made all of the American Idol judges burst into a collective song that sounded a lot like CeeLo Green’s ‘Fuck You!’. Because although it’s their job to judge people and be complete assholes about it (which Katy knows about the most), being called on their claim to fame somehow was too much to handle. So rather than play nice with their ABC network cousins, they’re not gonna take it. NO! And they have decided Whoopi and The View will no longer be set on their DVRs for the foreseeable future.

Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, and Luke Bryan are taking a dim view of The View after gabfest host Whoopi, 67, blamed the singing competition show for the “downfall of society.”

“Katy, Lionel, and Luke are all boycotting The View,” spilled a source. “You can’t blame someone for literally destroying civilization, which is what Whoopi said, and then expect them to sit down and talk with you.

“The next time the Idol judges do press, they will appear on all ABC’s shows — but not The View.”

Is this something else we must add to Whoopi’s bill of pop culture blunders? I mean, honestly, losing the three of them won’t dwindle her overall viewership. But Whoopi has said way worse in the past, so this seems like the AI judges screaming, “Look at us!!“. Because most of us stopped caring about American Idol when it left Fox, and we probably won’t care about it after this, either. But Thanks for the reminder, judges! Your ill-fated challenge against Whoopi might bring in a few new viewers for next season.

Pic: YouTube

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