Jessica Simpson Says She Doesn’t Need An Apology From John Mayer

March 26, 2021 / Posted by:

We’ve learned a lot about Jessica Simpson’s life, thanks to her aptly titled memoir Open Book. There’s not a lot Jessica wouldn’t share, save for some confirming details about her dad’s personal life. It’s where we also learned what it was like being John Mayer’s girlfriend, which…wasn’t a great time for her. I’m sure plenty of people have nudged at John Mayer to put out a public apology to Jessica for any number of things (the sexual napalm comment, for example). But Jessica says she doesn’t need any of that, she’s good.

Jessica wrote in her memoir that when she dated John Mayer between 2006 and 2007, she spent a lot of the time in a booze fog because she was so anxious about dating him. Jessica says she thought John was so smart and loved engaging in debates that he liked to win. That started to eat at her self-esteem, and her anxiety led to her having friends check her text messages for spelling and grammar while she numbed her constant feelings of worry with booze. She also described John as being a loyal boyfriend who loved her, and that it hurt when he would later talk openly about their relationship, like when he blabbed to Playboy in 2010 about Jessica’s sexuality (ie. when he said she was like “crack cocaine” to him and that he wanted to snort her, that she was sexually “crazy,” and that she was “sexual napalm to him“).

Jessica recently appeared on The Tamron Hall Show to promote the paperback release of Open Book, and she spoke about the situation with John. She says the situation was bad, at the time, but that an apology doesn’t really erase what happened. via Yahoo! News:

“I definitely don’t feel that I am owed a public apology. You can’t take it back. And I’m a very forgiving person, but I’m also honest. So, in the memoir, if I’m gonna talk about stuff that caused me pain, I’m going to be honest about it. And that was a time in my life that I was very manipulated and very also in love, or seemingly.”

Also adding to her feeling of not wanting to chase down an apology is the fact that she’s in a much better place right now with her husband Eric Johnson. And, because John might not even actually be sorry about it, so (shrugging shoulder emoji).

“Now that I have the love of Eric, it’s just such a different thing. I wouldn’t expect an apology. I don’t think there’s a need for an apology. I feel like people end up finding their way to let you know they’re sorry. And [Mayer] might not be sorry, and that’s okay. We were kind of, like, on-off, on-off at that time. But to talk about anybody sexually was kind of disrespectful, but that’s on him.”

John Mayer recently admitted that he learned about male privilege from watching Framing Britney Spears, saying that it opened his eyes to the sexism faced by female performers. And yeah, it didn’t help that one of the women he dated spent a good chunk of her early career trying to remind people that she’s a singer on top of being a sex symbol. So while Jessica says she doesn’t need an apology, it’s not exactly out of the realm of possibility. But if he does decide to apologize for his crappy behavior, his publicist might be wise to just save some time and type up a reusable template. Kill a couple of dozen birds with one stone.


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