Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Baked Bread For Charity And Signed With A Top Speaking Agency

June 25, 2020 / Posted by:

According to People, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, personal photographers in tow, recently volunteered at Homeboy Industries, “a community social justice organization working to improve the lives of formerly incarcerated and previously gang-involved people in L.A.” where they helped prepare “meals to food-insecure seniors and youth across L.A. amid the COVID-19 pandemic,” and where Harry hugged a crying lady. People also reports that they’ve both signed with the top-flight Harry Walker Agency which specializes in speaking engagements. Sounds like Meghan and Harry have finally cleared all the obstacles in their path that were preventing them from fulfilling their destiny as angels in America.

After leaving The Firm in absolute shambles by framing Prince Andrew for crimes he personally finds appalling, banishing The Queen and Prince Philip to Windsor Castle with a skeleton crew of servants to clean their litter box and change their water, left Prince William and Duchess Kate holding the bag and shed their problematic ties, Meghan and Harry are finally experiencing the true power of The Secret. Thank you, Oprah! And Meghan and Harry will have every opportunity to do so, now that they share an agency. via People:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who are settling into life in L.A. with their 1-year-old son Archie, have signed with the New York-based Harry Walker Agency for speaking engagements, PEOPLE confirms.

Their new venture, which was first reported by the Los Angeles Times, will see the couple engage in keynote speeches with trade associations, corporations and community forums. They will also continue to focus on social issues such as racial injustice, gender equality, mental health and environmental concerns.

The speaking agency also represents Oprah Winfrey and Jane Goodall — who are friends with the couple — in addition to Michelle and Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Alex Rodriguez, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Tina Fey, Stacey Abrams and Gloria Steinem.

Possibly unrelated but definitely related, the Harry Walker Agency Twitter page is currently locked.

People adds that Meghan and Harry are still working on getting Archewell launched and that they “have been quietly focused behind the scenes on further developing Archewell amid the rapidly changing social landscape.” Since they still don’t have a website or any social media in place yet, the pictures they own from their day at Homeboy industries are, presumably, on loan.

According to Us Weekly:

The couple stopped by the L.A.-based nonprofit, which employs former gang members and other individuals trying to rebuild their lives, and assisted bakery and café workers in preparing food as a part of the #FeedHOPE initiative in the city.

Homeboy Industries founder Father Greg Boyle said that Meghan and Harry “helped bake bread and they helped package all these meals that go to seniors and to foster care youth and folks who are having a difficult time during the pandemic.” Father Greg says that Meghan had contacted him to discuss “what was happening in our country at the moment,” and then surprised him by suggesting she and Harry come lend a hand. Apparently Meghan had taken a cooking course at the organization with her mom 20 years prior, and still “remembers the tamale recipe she learned there to this day.

Noted tamale enthusiast, Prince Harry, also made a big impression on Father Greg.

During one of his conversations with the workers, Harry, 35, put aside the quarantine rules and comforted one woman, who broke into tears while speaking to him. According to Boyle, the woman had just lost the father of her son.

“His funeral is next week, so she just starts to cry and forget social distancing,” the father said. “Harry just held her. It was very sweet, very sweet. But it was kind of raw for her.”

He added: “Harry was immediate. He just threw her arms around her and held her for a long time. It was very, very touching.”

I’d normally say “pics or it didn’t happen” but they are probably saving them for the Archewell launch.


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