Lori Loughlin And Mossimo Giannulli Have Put Their Bel Air Mansion On The Market

January 31, 2020 / Posted by:

E! News says that Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli are selling their mansion in Bel Air, which is just perfect timing. I feel like they really have nothing else to focus on right now. Oh, except those legal problems from their involvement in the College Admissions Scandal, which got them charged for allegedly using $500,000 to fake their daughters’ rowing credentials and get them into USC. But I mean, no big deal, right? When the market is hot, it’s hot! So now they’re trying to sell their mansion for $28,650,000. Maybe they’ve had a rare moment of realism and realize they might soon have to downsize to a prison cell, so why not put their giant mansion on the market!

Lori and Mossimo’s Bel Air mansion is in one of the “most sought out locations in Los Angeles.” They forgot to add, “…for rich bitches who can afford a $28 million house.” The manse is 12,000-square-feet (that’s like 1,200 of my apartments) and has six bedrooms and nine bathrooms. And it sits on a golf course. TMZ says that Lori and Mossimo aren’t selling their house because they need the money to pay their never-ending legal bills. Mossimo apparently considers himself a regular Jeremy Renner or Ellen DeGeneres (aka a fancy house flipper) and likes to fix up a house, and then move on to the next one 3 to 5 years later. 

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ, they’re doing what they always do … following Mossimo’s passion for architecture. He’s super talented at redoing homes, and this one’s no exception. They bought the house in 2015 for $13.9 million and listed it 2 years later for $35 million but took it off the market in July 2018.

You can see pics of the house that Mossimo For Target built over at Zillow, who estimates it’s worth $16.8 million.

E!’s and TMZ’s “sources” claim that this house sale has nothing to do with the College Admissions Scandal, but please. Lori and Mossimo’s lawyers are regular fisting champions now, because they keep pulling excuse after excuse out of their asses to try to keep their clients from serving prison time. So this is probably just another ploy, and I fully expect Lori and Mossimo to move into a rented (GASP!) 9,000 square foot (DOUBLE GASP!) house in Woodland Hills (TRIPLE GASP!) so they can tell the jury, “See, we’re just a struggling middle-class couple trying to give our children a better life!”

Pic: Zillow

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