An Instagram Influencer Called The Police After Her Account Was Deleted

April 12, 2019 / Posted by:

An Instagram “influencer” with over 100,000 followers decided that the only rational course of action to be taken after her account was deleted, was to pick up her phone and hit 9-1-1. Someone call Olivia Jade, and let her know we found someone who might be more out of touch than her.

Insider is reporting that a 21-year-old Instagram influencer from Tampa, FL named Jessy Taylor, put up an emotional video to YouTube where she sobbed about losing her Instagram account with over 100,000 followers. She got mad as she demanded her haters to stop reporting her account. And she really tugged at our heart strings: by telling us that she just has no skills for any kind of gross real people job.

“I make all of my money online, all of it! And I don’t want to lose that! And I know people like to see me be down, and be like them, be like the 90-percenters–the people that work nine-to-five–THAT IS NOT ME!–I am in LA to not be like that!”

Over a million people have viewed it so far and comments aren’t kind–as to be expected–and Insider decided to speak to the influencer herself about the drama saying her account:

“Wasn’t reported from posting nasty photos. It was reported from having haters.”

Jessy really manages to make you want to report her account yourself win you over by revealing that although she made $500,000 over three years she said “that money does not last.”

“You go to the Gucci store a few times, you pay a couple of months of rent … I’m not rich like I used to be.”

While Jessy didn’t want to talk to Insider about the controversies in her past, she did say “she apologizes for her trouble with law enforcement and the streams of her online making racist comments.” She claims any racial incidents (click the link it’s… something) were to get more attention and other people have done it so, like, why hate her specifically?

“That wasn’t from the bottom of my heart. At the time, I didn’t have that many followers, so I thought if I say this, maybe I can get more followers…. It feels like everyone is after me for no reason… What is their legit reason for not liking me? They’ve never met me in person. How can you hate me from a computer? How can you write a paragraph about someone and hate them so much after just seeing a video of them?”

Sis, it’s the internet–there is plenty hate to go around. But she’ll be fine–she worked as a stripper for three-ish years and she’s a Sagittarius:

“I’m not a hateful person. I’m a Sagittarius… I don’t get jealous. I can’t relate to hateful and jealous people because I’ve never been a hateful jealous person.”

And here’s Jessy’s glowing response to what it felt like to lose her connection to Gucci and rent:

“I felt like it was a homicide… Like somebody murdered me and then went online to say, ‘I murdered this girl.’ I called the police actually and told them about this, and they said you can’t compare a murder to this, and I was like, no, that’s exactly what it felt like.”

Does she have parents?

Jessy has a new Instagram account, but she says she wants to focus now on her YouTube endeavors and possibly move to the UK where people are less judgmental (Girl, you realize that even if they were the Internet in the UK is the… same?) and Jessy also thinks that the “guys are hotter there”. And buckle all the way in for who Taylor’s inspo is for moving somewhere else:

“I see why Lindsay Lohan moved to another country… Because Americans are haters.”

Ahhhhh yes. Final nail in the coffin of any dignity this girl could have had. Saying the woman who tries to abduct refugee children from their parents and dances like a spasmatic Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man is a life path to follow. She should call Lindsay up–nothing like a hot mess at her Beach Club to get some viewers. Jessy needs a job and Lindsay needs the ratings.

Here’s Jessy’s narcissism on full display, and maybe just maybe, she’s a genius performance artist and this is her commentary on Instagram influencers….

Pic: YouTube

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