Category: Woodstock 50

The Performers Who Signed Up For Woodstock 50 Will Be Paid, Despite That Train Wreck Getting Canceled

August 2, 2019 / Posted by:

In news which should have surprised not a single person with even the slightest clue on how an event is planned and put together, Woodstock 50 was canceled. Finally, after months of limping to its final resting place of Columbia, Maryland–Woodstock will rest in peace… until someone tries to resurrect it again. Meanwhile, the artists who all signed up for it will be happy to hear that they’re still getting paid.

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Woodstock 50 Is Officially Cancelled

July 31, 2019 / Posted by:

The organizers of Woodstock 50 are no doubt rushing to get their web developer on the line, because it looks like the HTML code of that countdown needs to be immediately changed to zero days, zero hours, and zero minutes. And it’s really appropriate that the graphic chosen for the Woodstock bird looks like it’s bleeding, because Woodstock 50 is dead.

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Miley Cyrus, Santana, The Raconteurs And More Have Dropped Out Of Woodstock 50

July 31, 2019 / Posted by:

In totally surprising news, multiple acts have pulled out of Woodstock 50. The music festival meant to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the original Woodstock, was hurtling towards disaster for quite some time before all the drama finally seemed to settle a mere weeks before it’s supposed to happen. Now that Woodstock 50 has decidedly become a free-ish concert in Maryland it’s time to see who the acts will be for the show since they have about 14 days to prepare now? Or 16 days, I guess, if you want to leave things to the very very very last minute. As expected, many of the headlining acts are dropping out of this concert faster than the Fyre Festival hemorrhaged money–and a whole bunch more are now reportedly out including Miley Cyrus and The Raconteurs.

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If Woodstock 50 Ends Up Happening, It Will Be Free

July 30, 2019 / Posted by:

Woodstock 50 has had A LOT of bad things come it’s way: it lost a venue, gained a venue and then lost that venue, it had some investors allegedly stealing money, etclll. As a result of this cursed mess, Jay-Z, Dead & Company, and John Forgerty dropped out (Miley Cyrus is still on board, as far we know). Well, turns out the shit show must go on and/or Woodstock 50 still hasn’t realized it’s dead yet. Because it’s soldiering on and putting on a free show at its new venue of the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland. Get those Fyre Festival cheese sandwiches warmed up cause things are about to get disappointing!

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Woodstock 50 Is Still Happening, I Guess? But In Maryland And Not With Jay-Z

July 26, 2019 / Posted by:

Woodstock 50 has been a mess, but after what feels like an eternity of trouble and setbacks and what seemed like a beeline towards Fyre Festival Failure, it may being things around. Sort of. Not really. It’s being reported that the music festival has finally secured a permit to actually happen, but the thing is, by this point some of the artists who were scheduled to perform have probably found other things to do. One person who most likely will not be in attendance is Jay-Z.

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Woodstock 50 Does It Again: Gets Denied A Permit For New Proposed Location

July 10, 2019 / Posted by:

Woodstock 50, the concert meant to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the sex-and-drug fueled music festival where a person allegedly died because they slept under a tractor and another person may have overdosed, is probably not happening. So it looks like you’ll just have to sleep under a tractor somewhere else. The music festival has been tainted with issues from investors pulling out, to investors stealing, to venues pulling out, to safety concerns; it’s a mess. Now the latest proposed venue for the show is saying: “Hard pass” and Woodstock 50 is without a location once again.

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