Category: Tim Scott

Republican Presidential Candidate Tim Scott’s Appearance On “The View” Got So Unraveled That Whoopi Goldberg Asked The Crew To Step In

June 6, 2023 / Posted by:

Because many of us are clenching our butt cheeks together in foreboding of Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis slipping into the White House to strip large groups of their rights, it’s easy to forget that there are several more Republicans who’ve thrown their hat into the 2024 presidential ring. South Carolina Senator Tim Scott is one of that motley crew of probably far-fetched contenders, and he took to The View yesterday to do that typical Republican thing where they deny the existence of systemic racism and rail against government overreach while simultaneously calling for the government to ban things it shouldn’t concern itself with. And like many segments on The View, Tim’s didn’t go well, and bitch got booed. At one point, it also got so chaotic that Whoopi Goldberg eventually asked a crew member to get Tim to stop talking so they could go to a commercial break. 

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