Category: How Is Babby Formed?

Yahoo! Answers Is Going Offline For Good

April 6, 2021 / Posted by:

Mark your calendars — An ominous date is nigh. On May 4th, Yahoo! Answers, that lawless digital milieu will go dark. According to The Verge, after 16 years of hosting one of the internet’s most egalitarian sources of hilarity and confusion, Verizon Media Group, which now owns Yahoo!, has decided to pull the plug, thus extinguishing the light of knowledge before we ever get a coherent answer to the question “how is babby formed?” Sorry, kavya. You’re on your own, kiddo.

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Ashley Graham And Her Husband Are Expecting Their First Baby

August 14, 2019 / Posted by:

Looks like the time has come for Ashley Graham to put away her silky drawers and bust out some nice, roomy industrial cotton pannies because she’s having a baby. The slightly more recognizable other “who” from Rita Ora’s season of America’s Next Top Model and Sports Illustrated swimsuit model made the announcement on Instagram alongside her husband of nine years, director Justin Ervin. I guess all that fight-fucking paid off! One of Justin’s sperm successfully fertilized one of her eggs, and that folks, is how babby is formed. Don’t let anybody ever tell you different.

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Aaron Carter Is Maybe Not Bisexual Anymore And Wants A Woman To Mate With

March 27, 2018 / Posted by:

It sounds like Aaron Carter kinda sorta wishes he hadn’t said all that stuff about being bisexual. Because according to Hollywood Life, he said on their podcast that he definitely wants to get married and have kids and as everybody knows, you need a lady to do that with! Like duh, Aaron totally knows how babby is formed.

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