Category: Crystal Hefner

Crystal Hefner Says She Destroyed Thousands Of Revenge Porn Pics That Hugh Hefner Kept

January 26, 2022 / Posted by:

If you ever watched the E! reality show The Girls Next Door, then you might have thought any creepiness of living in a polyamorous situation at the Playboy Mansion was tempered by some fun summer camp vibes with a side of lifelong sisterhood friendship. In recent years, that has proven to not exactly be the truth. Well, the creepiness, yes. That was confirmed time and time again. Holly Madison, Hugh Hefner’s one-time main girlfriend, has spoken about her experience living at the Playboy Mansion, and it wasn’t exactly all pastel pink-covered dreams and bunny tails. Recently, Holly claimed that Hugh used to keep a stack of Polaroid pictures that he allegedly used as blackmail against women. Hugh’s widow Crystal Hefner spoke up and confirmed what Holly claimed was true, and that Crystal destroyed the pictures as soon as she found them.

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Crystal Hefner Says She’s Removed Everything Fake From Her Body And Has Embraced Modesty

January 11, 2022 / Posted by:

When I think of Hugh Hefner’s revolving door of blonde, plastic girlfriends, I mostly just think of Holly Madison and Kendra Wilkinson. But Crystal Hefner (nee Harris) was Hef’s third and final wife; she was with him from 2009 until Hef’s death at age 91 in 2017, and he left her a cool $5 million and a house in his will.

Nearly five years later, and a now ancient Crystal has taken to Instagram to let her 3 million followers know that she’s entered a new phase in her life. The 35-year-old says she’s deleted all the sexy photos on her social media, removed “everything fake” from her body, and is embracing “modesty”. And just like that, Hef rolled over so many times in his grave that next-door neighbor Marilyn Monroe had to bang on their shared crypt wall to get him to shut up: “Bitch, I know I rolled hard when Madonna recreated my death for V Magazine, but keep it down, PUH-LEASE!”

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