Category: Anna Lundberg

Michael Sheen And Anna Lundberg Welcomed A Baby Girl

September 30, 2019 / Posted by:

Michael Sheen and his Swedish actress girlfriend Anna Lundberg are now parents to a newborn girl, according to Micheal Sheen’s father, Meyrick. Michael and Anna had only been together before a few months before the pregnancy news broke, and Michael had to drag some people via Twitter when they claimed he wasn’t single when met Anna. That said, they seem to be going strong and are of course are “over the moon” about their new baby.

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Michael Sheen Denies That He Had A Girlfriend When He Got With His Current Pregnant One

August 18, 2019 / Posted by:

Michael Sheen is that cerebral sort of British actor whom you wouldn’t think would find himself embroiled in scandal. For god’s sakes, he’s got an afro and a thick beard! He looks like your Physics professor. You wouldn’t place him as a nanny-fucking Jude Law-type. Alas, when you’re 50 and you impregnate a 25-year-old “aspiring actress,” people take an interest. Especially when you might have been with your previous ladyfriend while getting with the new one. “No, I bloody well didn’t!” Sheen tweeted in response on Friday. Or something to that effect.

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