Alec Baldwin Had Another Hip Replacement And Ireland Baldwin Snubbed Him In An Instagram Post About Her Postpartum Mental Health

May 31, 2023 / Posted by:

Now that Alec Baldwin’s done with that movie where he literally shot two people, has some downtime before he begins shooting another movie about a shooting, and got a respite from legal proceedings for a bit, he must’ve decided to use some of that time to get another hip replacement. How do we know? Hilaria Baldwin made a post about it, of course! In it, she thanked all of the medical professionals involved in Alec’s procedure and obviously included a picture of her lying next to Alec in his hospital bed. And, After Alec forgot to include Ireland Baldwin in a tribute post to his kids last month, Ireland conveniently left him out of a recent post she made about her very new experience with motherhood, though she did include her mom Kim Basinger and her partner RAC’s parents in it.

Page Six reported about Alec’s first hip replacement back in 2018, but Hilaria reported from the front lines of Pepaw Pewpew’s hospital bed that he just had another one this week. via People:

Hilaria Baldwin, the actor’s wife, revealed the news in an Instagram post on Tuesday, sharing that the procedure was necessary after he had been going through a “very intense chronic pain chapter.”

“Alec got a new hip today…it was a long time necessary. We have been through so much together…as your partner and as you heal, I want so very much for you to leave this very intense chronic pain chapter behind and improve your quality of life,” she wrote.

Hilaria thanked the doctors who helped him on his hip-replacement journey, and “the other amazing people who so generously are bringing him safely through this.”

And instead of just turning to his right to thank Hilaria in person, he vomitously commented, “And you. Thanks to you..” Thanks to Hillary for what? Commissioning a team of spawns, his old ass gets to chase around with those new hips? Here’s the whole post:

Hopefully, he’s easier on the hospital staff than he is on servers. And it looks like Ireland noticed that Alec left her out of a tribute post to his “seven reasons to keep going” post about his kids last month (though he made a separate post about her once commenters pointed it out), OR he hasn’t offered her any kind of support; because after giving birth to her daughter earlier this month, she decided to share some thoughts on motherhood thus far. As we’ve already heard, she suffered from extreme health anxiety during pregnancy that was exacerbated by annoying “your whole vag will fall out during labor and you’ll never shit right again” moms in the comments but she says now that she’s given birth, everything has changed for the better. She then gave shoutouts to those who helped her through it all. Missing from that list? Abuelo Alec. via Page Six:

The fashion model, 27, began her lengthy message on Instagram Monday by sharing her experience with “health anxiety” during her recent pregnancy.

“Every thought in my head pertained to hurting the baby,” she admitted. “Hurting myself. Blame game. I’m doing it all wrong.”

However, ever since Ireland gave birth to her and boyfriend RAC’s baby girl, Holland, earlier this month, she said a “sense of calm” washed over her.

She then wrote, “I couldn’t be more grateful for my partners’ parents and my mom who visited me” without making any mention of Alec, 65.

A rep for Ireland did not immediately return Page Six’s request for comment on whether the apparent snub was intentional.

It wouldn’t be surprising at all if that rude, thoughtless big pig Alec still hasn’t visited his new granddaughter or even left a voicemail yet. Here’s Ireland’s whole post:

But there, there, Alec and Ireland. Though you’re both facing struggles, Hilaria has the perfect solution to cure what ails you. No, it’s not shutting the fuck up and not making a constant spectacle of the entire familia in one way or another. It’s something even better: a fresh helping of air-humping! At least she can’t get pregnant again this way.

Pics: Instagram, Instagram

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