Jeremy Renner Gave His First Interview Since His Snow Plow Accident

March 29, 2023 / Posted by:

On New Year’s Day, Jeremy Renner was nearly killed after being run over by a large snow plow. The 52-year-old was airlifted to the hospital and underwent emergency surgery for blunt chest trauma. Since his near-death experience, Hawkeye’s been giving us sporadic updates on his recovery; a hospital bed selfie here, an Instagram Story of his rehabilitation exercises there. Now, Variety reports that Jeremy is sitting down with Diane Sawyer for his first TV interview since the incident. The ABC News special, which will air April 6, is titled Jeremy Renner: The Diane Sawyer Interview – A Story of Terror, Survival and Triumph. Boy, that’s a mouthful (is what Diane Sawyer said while trying to secure this interview)!

The trailer, which dropped this morning, is more dramatic than any Marvel movie I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen at least three). It contains the audio of the 911 phone call made to save Jeremy’s life. You can actually hear him moaning in pain as people tell him to “keep fighting.” The teaser interviews with members of Jeremy’s family, including the nephew who Jeremy was trying to save when he was hit by the 14,330-pound Sno-Cat:

“I see him in a pool of blood coming from his head,” Renner’s nephew tells Sawyer in the ABC News special. “I ran up to him. I didn’t think he was alive.”

Diane Sawyer also reads out a list of Jeremy’s many injuries:

“Eight ribs broken in 14 places. Right knee, right ankle broken, left leg tibia broken, left ankle broken, right clavicle broken, right shoulder broken. Face, eye socket, jaw, mandible broken. Lung collapsed. Pierced from the rib bone, your liver — which sounds terrifying.”

“What’s my body going to look like?” Renner remembers thinking about all of his injuries. “Am I just going to be a spine and a brain, like a science experiment?”

Diane brought up how Jeremy said “I’m sorry” to his family in sign language while he was in the ICU:

“I chose to survive. That’s not gonna kill me, no way,” he says. “I’ve lost a lot of flesh and bone in this experience, but I’ve been refueled and refilled with love and titanium.” The teaser features footage of Renner’s physical therapy, including him using a knee scooter to move around.

“When you look in the mirror, do you see a new face?” Sawyer asks, to which Renner replies, “No, I see a lucky man.”

Here’s the trailer:

But if you think getting crushed by a snow plow is gonna stop Jeremy Renner from taking over the world, think again. The ABC interview will air a few days before the L.A. premiere of his new Disney+ reality show, Rennervations, where Jeremy will make his first in-person appearance since the accident. Rennervations is a play on the word “renovations,” and it follows Jeremy’s efforts to fix big vehicles (and then he got hit by a big vehicle. Huh). I wonder if this new show will hold up to Jeremy’s rock-and-roll career, or his dearly departed app (RIP). Never stop stopping, buddy. Never stop stopping.

Pic: YouTube

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