Courteney Cox Responded To Her Mention in “Spare” And Said Prince Harry Did Party At Her House And Stay There For A Few Days, But She Denies Giving Him Magic Mushrooms

March 1, 2023 / Posted by:

Courteney Cox must be running some kind of halfway house for privileged yet downtrodden victims out of her L.A. estate; because Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi once crashed there in between mansions, and Prince Harry revealed in his recent memoir, Spare, that he stayed there one time during a trip to the U.S. back in 2016. Staying at Monica Gellar’s house seemed to have been a banner encounter for him because he’s a Friends fanatic and self-proclaimed Chandler (of course); AND he says he tripped his bollocks off on mushrooms at a party there one night. According to People, Courteney just shared that although Harry Todger The Half-Price Prince DID stay there a few years ago, she’s not copping to supplying the shrooms.

As we know, Harry spent much of Spare whining about his and Meghan Markle’s strained relationship with the royal family, getting whooped by Prince William, and his struggles accepting the death of his mum. But we also got a few glimpses into his love of the good shit. Nowadays, Harry gets high from his wife’s smell (as he said on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night), but back in the day, he got high on cocaine, weed, and shrooms! A few years before huffing the laughing gas at Meghan’s bedside during her labor with their son, Archie, he stayed and partied at Courteney’s L.A. house and ate some magic mushroom chocolates. Will Arnett also made a cameo (and probably still complains about Harry’s annoying request for him to do the Batman voice).

In his bestselling book, published Jan. 10, Prince Harry revealed that he is a “Friends fanatic” and took comfort in the hit NBC sitcom while navigating panic attacks after completing his second tour of Afghanistan a decade ago.

…the Duke of Sussex said it was surreal not only to attend a party at Cox’s home but also to meet the Friends star herself. Prince Harry and two friends traveled to L.A. in January 2016, where they spent a few days party-hopping — and spent time at Cox’s house.

According to Harry, Cox invited a few more people over, and another party began. King Charles III’s son said he was delighted to meet the actor from the “Batman LEGO movie” — alluding to Will Arnett — who indulged his request to do “the voice,” which cracked him up.

“Then, maybe to get rid of us, he led my mate and me to the fridge, from which he extracted a soft drink. While the door was open, we spotted a huge box of black diamond mushroom chocolates,” Harry wrote. “Somebody behind me said they were for everybody. Help yourself, boys. My mate and I grabbed several, gobbled them, washed them down with tequila.”

Harry says he had a pleasant, giggly trip where the trash can and toilet spoke to him. No, not Kim Kardashian. She wasn’t there as far as we know.

“Beside the toilet was a round silver bin, the kind with a foot pedal to open the lid. I started at the bin. It started back. What — staring? I stepped on the pedal. A huge open grin,” he wrote. “Now the loo became a head too. The bowl was its gaping maw, the hinges of the seat were its piercing silver eyes. It said: Aaah.”

Courteney says she hasn’t read the book (haven’t we all kind of though, against our will?), but the story got back to her. She confirms Harry spent time at her house, but says she had nothing to do with the psychedelic mushrooms.

The 58-year-old actress, who is mentioned in the book, spoke about the Duke of Sussex’s book for the first time in a new interview with Variety, published Monday.

“He did stay here for a couple of days — probably two or three. He’s a really nice person,” Cox told Variety. The Scream star also said she recently saw Prince Harry at a birthday party but didn’t get the chance to say hello.

“I haven’t read the book. I do want to hear it, because I’ve heard it’s really entertaining. But yes, it’s gotten back to me about it,” she said, referencing the much-discussed passage. “I’m not saying there were mushrooms! I definitely wasn’t passing them out.”

Meh, shrooms in the opulence and safety of Courteney Cox’s mansion? Booooring. Harry’s going to have to work harder in his inevitable second book; I want to hear about Molly popping in the danger and chaos of a 3 a.m. Waffle House!

Pics: Sara De Boer/, Nils Jorgensen/ Images

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