Britney Spears’ Lawyer Slams Jamie Spears For Still Trying To Get Her To Pay His Legal Fees

December 21, 2021 / Posted by:

Britney Spears‘ new lawyer, Matthew Rosengart, is That Girl and he is not afraid to fuck shit up! He successfully freed Britney from her 13-year-long conservatorship and ever since, she’s been spinning and twirling, and hinting at babies with her fiancĂ©, Sam Asghari. But Matthew’s work is far from over, and Jamie Spears is in his crosshairs as Daddy Spears asked Britney’s estate to cover his legal fees as he leaves the conservatorship. Matthew has words for that–one in particular: “abomination!”

The New York Times (via TMZ) has a long piece up about how Britney’s conservatorship was basically a huge money grab. The report says that before putting Britney into a conservatorship, Jamie got a $40,000 from Britney’s then-business manager, Tri Star Sports & Entertainment. Jamie went on to receive $6 million from Britney’s estate while Tri Star made “untold millions.” Tens of thousands of dollars were donated from Britney’s charitable foundation to a Christian counseling group, which was associated with Tri Star’s owner, Lou Taylor. And there are also claims in the report that the money from Britney’s estate was also used to pay a security company to surveil members of the #FreeBritney movement.

Another thing, Tri Star received a percentage of Britney’s earnings, but after she stopped performing, Jamie approved a minimum guarantee of $500,000. But Jamie’s lawyer, Alex Weingarten, claims all expenditures were made with the approval of the court or of Britney’s court-appointed lawyer. There will be a hearing about these allegations next month, and Jamie’s lawyer said: “Jamie has nothing to hide and will therefore hide nothing.”

But he may want to hide some things because Matthew is ready for a fight. He gave a statement about Jamie still asking for his legal fees covered in a “prompt” fashion. The statement basically tells Jamie to promptly eat a dick:

“The conservatorship has been terminated and Mr. Spears was suspended ignominiously. Under the circumstances, his petition is not only legally meritless. It is an abomination. Britney poignantly testified about the pain her father caused her and this only adds to it. This is not what a father who loves his daughter does.”

‘Tis the season! Matthew Rosengart has a list and he’s checking it twice, and it’s of all the people who have wronged Britney Spears! The first few names are literally just her own family members, but once he’s done with them I’m sure he’ll move on to Diane Sawyer. She better rest up while she can!

Pic: Instagram

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