Britney Spears Has Reportedly Chosen A New Lawyer

July 12, 2021 / Posted by:

We’ve heard Britney Spears’s own words about wanting out of her 13-year-long conservatorship and how she’s done with her father, Jamie Spears, calling the shots. Britney has tried to push her father out as her co-conservator but the judge recently denied her request. But still, Britney Spears continues to make plans to escape from her legal situation, and it sounds like there might be a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Or rather, a lawyer at the end of the tunnel.

In Britney’s June 23rd statement, she requested that she be allowed to pick her own lawyer. Then, her longtime lawyer Sam Ingham, who was picked by the court in 2008, decided to submit his resignation letter and quit being Britney’s lawyer. Even Britney’s mom Lynne Spears recently asked the court to allow her daughter to pick her own lawyer this time around. Britney needs a new lawyer, so she reportedly did what anyone would do when they need a lawyer – she called up a law office and was like, “Hi, is Ally McBeal there? And does she want to make some money?” (I’ve clearly never hired a lawyer). Except Britney specifically wants to hire a former federal prosecutor named Mathew Rosengart. via TMZ:

TMZ has learned she’s contacted a large law firm, and assuming the firm agrees and is permitted to represent her, the first order of business will be filing legal docs asking the judge to remove her father as conservator of her estate. Multiple sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Britney wants to hire powerful lawyer and former federal prosecutor Mathew Rosengart. Britney has signed the following document:

“Pursuant to my statement in open court on June 23, 2021, my rights, and my desire to end the above-referenced conservatorship as to my father Jamie P. Spears, it is my desire to choose and retain my own counsel, at Greenberg, Traurig, LLP as set forth above.”

TMZ points out that the document was signed by “BRITNEY JEAN SPEARS,” which isn’t proof of anything, except that Britney is serious enough to use her full name. But I’ll point out that the lead single for Britney’s 2013 album Britney Jean was “Work Bitch,” which is convenient, because Britney literally wants the legal team at Greenberg, Traurig, LLP to get to work, bitch. They’ve got to earn those Bugattis and Maseratis!

As for Britney’s first choice of lawyers, Mathew Rosegart has previously represented the likes of Steven Spielberg, Sean Penn, Ben and Casey Affleck, Eddie Vedder, and Soledad O’Brien. TMZ’s sources say that Mathew Rosengart has not formally agreed to represent Britney, but that if he does take the case, his first order of business will be to remove Jamie Spears from the picture.

The reason he would have to make that a priority, is because technically Britney can’t get a new lawyer without getting Jamie’s approval. What kind of inside-out Jacob’s Ladder logic is that? Can this be done with some clever trick? Like when a process server dresses like a pizza delivery person and – surprise! – opens the pizza box to reveal a court summons? If Mathew Rosegart needs any ideas, maybe this is something: Just show up at Jamie’s house with a dozen balloons and a giant fake check, and announcing Jamie just won that boat he’s always dreamed of. He just has to sign some documents. Pay no attention to the top where it says, “I hereby renounce my role as conservator….“, just focus on the boat.


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