Forbes Claims That Kim Kardashian Is Officially A Billionaire Now

April 6, 2021 / Posted by:

Last year, Kanye West did what Kanye West has been known to do, which is to say he made an outlandish, braggy, attention-grabby “needs verification” type of statement, this time specifically about his wife’s net worth. Kanye congratulated Kim Kardashian on becoming a billionaire. Even though, technically, it allegedly wasn’t a true statement. At the time, the math showed that only Kim’s business was valued at a billion dollars, not Kim herself. Well, Forbes recently did some math, and they are saying that Kim has caught up to her company, and she too is a billionaire now.

Forbes writes that Kim has officially joined her little sister Kylie Jenner in Kris Jenner’s Lil’ Billionaires Klub. Forbes has been known to yank back a billionaire title pretty quick, so enjoy it while you can, Kim. But right now, at this moment, Kim is allegedly a billionaire.

Forbes estimates that Kardashian West is now worth $1 billion, up from $780 million in October, thanks to two lucrative businesses – KKW Beauty and SKIMS – as well as cash from reality television and endorsement deals, and a number of smaller investments.

Forbes notes that Kim’s wealth rose after she sold 20% of her cosmetics company, KKW Beauty, to Kardashian-Jenner enthusiasts Coty, for $200 million. When that deal was made, her company was valued at $1 billion. Forbes estimates that Kim’s remaining 72% ownership of KKW Beauty is worth about $500 million.

As for Kim’s SKIMS company, it started out as a shapewear company, but when the pandemic hit, Kim’s SKIMS started pumping out loungewear for all the SKIMS customers stuck at home who no longer had a valid reason to compress their rib cages and asses with the PSI of a healthy boa constrictor. SKIMS loungewear took off during the pandemic, which meant more profits for Kim. She’s also made money from her family’s reality show, as well as investments, stocks, and real estate.

I don’t know how Kim will celebrate this incredible achievement, but I am sure it won’t be right away, as it’s assumed she’s a little tied up in the family’s CODE RED emergency bunker, trying to make sure nobody sees that picture of Khloé Kardashian. But when she gets done with that, she can pop the champagne. And I have to wonder how Kanye feels about this. He was so happy about Kim’s billionaire status back when they were together, but now that they’re getting a divorce? He’s probably still happy, if not a little bitter. Maybe if he had Kim’s number, he might even text her something like: “It’s not as special as being a Christian Genius Billionaire, but congratulations nonetheless.


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