Despite What “Framing Britney Spears” Would Lead You To Believe, Jamie Spears Swears He Would Never Exploit His Daughter

February 9, 2021 / Posted by:

I have yet to watch the new New York Times/FX documentary Framing Britney Spears because while I’m not a hardcore member of the #FreeBritney movement, I am a person who often looks at Britney Spears’ daddy-slash-conservator Jamie Spears with very suspicious eyes. I’ve got to listen to “Stronger” a couple more times to sike myself up for my first viewing. But by all accounts from people who have seen it, Jamie Spears doesn’t exactly come across as one of the good guys in Framing Britney Spears. Shocking, I know! Jamie must have felt the energy of judgemental eyes upon him when the documentary was released last Friday. Some conveniently-timed sources are speaking out and saying that Jamie would never exploit his daughter as her long-time conservator.

The main criticism posed in Framing Britney Spears is that not only should 39-year-old Britney Spears be released from her conservatorship but that she likely shouldn’t have even been placed under one in the first place. Jamie Spears doesn’t participate in the documentary, but there are some people who voiced their opinions regarding the man who has been in charge of Britney’s choices and money. Like Former Jive Records marketing executive Kim Kaiman, who said that her only exchange with Jamie was when he enthusiastically told her that Britney was going to be rich enough to buy him a boat.

And of course, there are the numerous stories we’ve heard about Jamie’s relationship to Britney’s finances. Britney has been pushing for a third-party financial management group to manage her money, while Jamie has requested the return of his friend Andrew Wallet, a man with almost no financial management experience, except for the time a few years ago when he helped Jamie manage Britney’s money. There’s no end to the people who think Jamie might be involved in Britney’s decades-long conservatorship for all the wrong reasons. But according to a source that spoke with Us Weekly, Jamie only has Britney’s best interests at heart and he’s only involved in her conservatorship because he loves her (not her bank accounts).

“Jamie wants to remain as her conservator because he has served in the role for the last 13 years,” a source told Us Weekly exclusively following the premiere of The New York Times documentary Framing Britney Spears on Friday, February 5. “He doesn’t need the money and could be exploiting her for millions of dollars but he has never done that.”

It would be nice to have Britney’s side of things when it comes to her father’s possible motives presented in the documentary, but she also didn’t participate in the documentary. Not only that, but she allegedly hasn’t seen it. via Entertainment Tonight:

“She’s always made aware of any important new releases that pertain to her life and career, and this was no different,” the source says. “She hasn’t seen the documentary because she never likes to focus on what others say about her.”

Someone who has spoken directly about this, is Britney’s boyfriend of about four-and-a-half years, Sam Asghari. Sam got on the horn with People magazine, and while he didn’t say anything about Jamie (to People, at least), he did acknowledge all the support Britney has been getting online in the wake of the release of Framing Britney Spears:

“I have always wanted nothing but the best for my better half, and will continue to support her following her dreams and creating the future she wants and deserves. I am thankful for all of the love and support she is receiving from her fans all over the world, and I am looking forward to a normal, amazing future together.”

Remember when I said that Sam didn’t say anything about Jamie to People? He kept it polite with the press, but it was a whole other story over on Instagram. Sam posted the following statement about Jamie Spears in his Instagram Stories, in which he claims he has “zero respect” for Jamie, and referring to Jamie as a “total dick.

Britney reportedly can’t get married to Sam unless Jamie approves it first. So technically Sam isn’t exactly lying when he accused Jamie of being in control of their relationship. That’s clearly not something Britney nor Sam want out of their relationship. Let’s face it – it’s a dick move to keep hanging around where you’re clearly not wanted. Also, it was rumored last year that Britney and Sam wanted to have a child together, and the only thing stopping them was Jamie Spears. So he’s a literal cock blocker too. Add to that the accusations that Jamie is being a huge boner with Britney’s money. You know, it sounds like Sam was scarily accurate when he accused Jamie of being the total dick package.

Pics:, Instagram

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