Lori Loughlin Is Supposedly Beefing Up Her Immune System In Preparation For Her Prison Stint

August 26, 2020 / Posted by:

In any other year, Lori Loughlin’s worst prison fear might be the thought of trading in her off-white cashmere sweaters for a shapeless prison-issued poly-blend jumpsuit. But the bad news for Aunt Becky is that she and her husband Mossimo Giannulli dragged out accepting responsibility for their role in the college admissions scandal, that by the time they accepted a plea deal and were sentenced, they found themselves smack dab in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lori and Mossimo are reportedly really scared of going to prison, especially since prisons are a major source of coronavirus transmission. So knowing what she’s about to walk in to, Lori has reportedly been trying to get as healthy as possible.

A source tells People magazine said that Lori has been prepping for life as a DOJ inmate and it involves bulking up her immune system.

With fears of contracting COVID-19 in prison, “Lori has been trying to stay as healthy as possible and also takes supplements to boost her immune system. It’s definitely something that she has been losing sleep about.”

The source adds that the whole situation has been like a “black cloud” hanging over Lori and Mossimo, and reiterates what we already know, which is that they’re “terrified” of serving time.

Neither Lori nor Mossimo know which facility they’ll be serving their time in (Lori was sentenced to two months, while Mossimo got five). They have until November 19 to turn themselves in and they have already requested to serve their sentences separately so that one of them can be with their daughters.

As for Lori’s alleged pre-prison health regimen, the source didn’t have any details on that. I’m guessing lots of chewable Vitamin C and essential oils diffused into triple-ozonated water. So, sure – go ahead with that, Lori. But if she really wants to boost her immune system for prison, she should be focusing on her diet. Wasn’t it Dr. Justin Bieber who said food is medicine? The point is, Lori’s rich lady taste buds have probably gotten so used to eating organic kale chips dusted with chanterelle mushroom powder. She should be prepping her mind, body, soul, and lower intestines for the moment she has to choke down room-temperature prison canned corn.

Pic: Wenn.com/FayesVision

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