Harry Styles Was Robbed At Knifepoint On Valentine’s Day

February 19, 2020 / Posted by:

You think being single on Valentine’s Day sucks? Try getting robbed at knifepoint. That’s what Harry Styles claimed happened to him this weekend. Don’t worry, he handed over his cash and he and his four nipples are totally fine.

The Metropolitan Police confirm that someone was robbed in the Hampstead area of London but didn’t name names, telling The Mirror:

“Police are investigating reports of a knifepoint robbery. Officers were contacted on Saturday, 15 February regarding the incident which happened at 23.50hrs on Friday, 14 February. It was reported that a man in his 20s was approached by another man and threatened him with a knife. The victim was not injured however, cash was taken from him. No arrests and enquiries are ongoing.”

A source did name names, and told them that he was totally chill during the whole ordeal and handled getting mugged by a dangerous stranger like a seasoned pro:

“He actually played it pretty cool, quickly giving the assailant cash, keeping himself and the guy calm and getting the situation over with. Understandably though it left him very shaken up afterwards.”

And chill he is. Harry still performed at the 2020 BRIT awards last night despite getting robbed. He wore a black ribbon on the red carpet as tribute to Caroline Flack, his ex-girlfriend, who died by suicide last week.

Luckily no knife-wielding audience members jumped up there and tried to mug him for that white lace…. onesie? Two piece? It looks like Liberace’s wedding suit.

But wow, not even rich boy banders are safe on the streets. Do Zayn Malik stans have an alibi?! But whoever it was, the Directioners are already circling and gathering info:


Run for cover!

Here’s Harry dressed like a 1970s librarian on the BRIT red carpet:

Pic: Wenn.com

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