Hayden Panettiere Is Back With Brian Hickerson

November 6, 2019 / Posted by:

In a perfect world, I might be writing that Hayden Panettiere is now dating Hayden Christensen, that they bonded over having the kind of last names that are just glitchy enough that they make a person double-check on the spelling when they type it out, and that their celebrity couple name is Hayden². In the real world, I’m writing that Hayden Panettiere has been seen with her abusive ex Brian Hickerson again. So basically, the update is bad.

Hayden began seeing Brian around the time she officially ended things with Wladimir Klitschko (they were together for nine years, and share a daughter, Kaya). It wasn’t great right from the start. Hayden was allegedly present for a messy fight between Brian and his dad in South Carolina. Then it was reported Hayden hadn’t seen much of her daughter. In May of this year, things got Lifetime levels of bad when police were called to Hayden and Brian’s house over a domestic disturbance. Brian and Hayden allegedly returned home drunk one evening, and Brian allegedly got violent with Hayden. When police arrived, Brian allegedly tried to pass off Hayden’s cries for help as noises from the TV. Because that story is practically the first page of a textbook titled Abuser 101, Brian was arrested, and faced four years behind bars.

In this time, she never officially broke up with Brian, something that made her friends anxious and worried. She also remained friendly with his family, and Brian’s domestic assault case was dropped in September. The reason being because prosecution couldn’t get witnesses to commit to testifying.

Many read that as: Hayden didn’t want to tell on him. This latest development kind of feels like proof to that theory. Page Six reports that Hayden was seen with Brian yesterday at an airport:

Page Six points out that after the incident in May, Brian was ordered to stay 100 feet away from Hayden. When the case was dismissed, so was the protective order. That’s bad news for Hayden’s family and friends. A source tells E! News:

“Hayden and Brian got back together as soon as the restraining order was lifted,” a source shared with us. “Neither one of them wanted the restraining order in place and it was the only thing preventing them from being together. Hayden has been open with her friends and family about her decision to reunite with Brian. Even though she knows they don’t approve of him, Hayden is telling everyone that things are different this time.”

The source adds that everyone close to Hayden are “frustrated and disappointed.” It’s also affecting Hayden’s relationship with her daughter. A source tells E! News that Wladimir doesn’t want Brian around Kaya. There’s also concern on Brian’s side as well. A source that spoke with Us Weekly says his family thinks the relationship is toxic, except they seem to think the source is Hayden.

“Brian’s family is extremely concerned for his safety when he is with Hayden,” the source says. “They are terrified that Brian will once again find himself accused of domestic violence. Hayden and Brian are very toxic for each other.”

Another source tells Us Weekly that the case was closed against Brian because the “alleged victim” refused to speak about it. That falls in line with what we already know.

Hayden hasn’t addressed the situation personally, but her attorney did release a statement to UsWeekly:

“Hayden’s family trusts her to make her own decisions and recognizes that Hayden is a strong, intelligent woman who is capable of doing so.”

That statement could be true. Maybe her family and friends do trust her to make the right decision. But just for added insurance, maybe they could send her a couple text messages, just so she knows how they feel. Something like, “Hey girl! You are a strong, intelligent woman who is capable of making your own decisions and should DUMP HIM AND CHANGE THE LOCKS.

Pic: Wenn.com

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