Hold Up! Mariah Carey Did NOT Mix Up Jennifer Aniston And Reese Witherspoon

October 14, 2019 / Posted by:

Mariah Carey has been maligned! She’s been slandered, defamed, smeared and denigrated. Over the weekend it was erroneously reported that Mariah confused Jennifer Aniston for Reese Witherspoon while giving an address at Variety’s Power of Women luncheon, prompting people to wonder if she has ever even cracked the spine on her White Women Of the World book. Turns out, Mariah does know the difference between a Yellow Crested Witherspoon and a Solid B Chested Anniston! And her next album is going to be called The Vindication Of Mariah Carey.

As previously reported, Mariah’s teleprompter risked getting a glass of champagne thrown in its face and a scathingly bad letter of reference, when it failed to work properly during Mariah’s speech. Mariah joked that she knew something like this would happen stating “this is why I have cue cards because I was watching Reese Witherspoon doing her speech”. People assumed she was referring to Jennifer, who had preceded her at the podium. But does Mariah look like a woman who plays checkers, dahling? No, she plays chess. Or at the very least she has a decorative chess set on display in her shoe closet and all the pieces are Swarovski crystal animals. In fact, Mariah was referring to Reese’s 2014 speech at the same event where Reese quoted somebody saying “my heart is my teleprompter”. That’s right, it’s called research, dahling. Look it up!

In her own defense, Mariah #TookToTwitter to set the record straight!

I mean, how is Mariah going mix up Reese with the only Jennifer she knows or acknowledges. Come, on! Here’s Mariah’s speech in full.

Pic: YouTube

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