Stop “Slandering” The Hard-Working Influencers, You Jealous Shits!

October 3, 2019 / Posted by:

BuzzFeed News says that Joan of Arc can shut the hell up, sit down and eat her food, because there’s a new Saint on the block chosen by God to lead us to a better path! Her name is Amra Olević Reyes (the Kardashian Klone above) and she is here to awaken us from our sinful, hateful ways! We should love our fellow man and judge not others! And that includes MOST OF ALL the SACRED, the UNDERPRIVILEGED, the LONG-JUDGED and PURELY BENEVOLENT group known as: Influencers.

That blonde influencer selling you water after a motorcycle accident? Jesus. That influencer who called the police because of a deleted Instagram? Rosa Parks. The influencers who are bringing awareness to the blight of Chernobyl? Mahatma Gandhi. That’s apparently what Amra would have us believe, at least, as she’s made the play that Influencers aren’t getting enough respect for their amazing job which requires immense talent. Okay, that’s a hard sell, but let’s hear it.

Amra has almost 6 million followers, but she also only gets like 80,000-100,000 likes on successful posts–and from a marketing standpoint that means she doesn’t even technically have great engagement and isn’t even really that “influential“. And that’s not a drag, it’s just the truth. If she was getting 600,000 likes that’s 10% retention of her audience, which is good. But 80,000? But Amra thinks she’s amazing at her career and that her job is hard and you couldn’t cut it.

She wrote:

“Influencer slander” is not something we should make a thing.

Amra spoke to BuzzFeed about her Sermon On The Mount, saying she was spurred to action due to “constantly see[ing] people bashing influencers.”

“Other beauty/fashion professionals slander our job and make it seem less than. Whether it’s professional makeup artists, hairstylists, or higher-up fashion representatives, they say things like “influencers don’t do shit”Being that most influencers started from the bottom, and had to work their way up with no connections, [it’s] far from privileged. Although it may seem like we have it easy, there was years of struggle that took to even get noticed.”

The struggle to become an influencer! Those single moms who have to work 18 hours a day to put food on the table and keep the lights on, and have to use their car as a bed to catch some sleep in between jobs, need to shut the complete fuck up, because influencers are going through a REAL STRUGGLE.

She’s not done, telling BuzzFeed:

“Influencers are the new age. We have a huge impact on the market especially. Brands know that, and the general public should as well.”

And they do. And they let her know how much they know on Twitter:

I mean hey… maybe Amra’s right? I mean, first it’s casual jokes about how influencers are delusional, but then what? We start making them wear red hoods and call themselves Ofmaybelline? I mean Jameela Jamil is already creating laws against them and businesses are already taxing them at discriminatory rates! Oh my god, she is right!?! Someone call the Southern Poverty Law Center about this growing anti-influencer propaganda!

Pic: Instagram

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