Jennifer Lawrence Is Now Dating An Art Gallery Director

June 6, 2018 / Posted by:

A few months ago, Jennifer Lawrence said that she’s waiting for 22-year-old Timothée Chalamet to turn 30 before she pounces on him like a spring-loaded cougar. In the meantime, it would appear she’s found someone suitable to help her pass the time. Ring the bell, JLaw’s sexual dry spell is over!

According to Page Six and People, 27-year-old Jennifer is dating a 33-year-old art gallery director named Cooke Maroney. No relation to Jenna (too bad for him). Cooke works at Manhattan’s Gladstone Gallery. Going off his name name, you might think they met in the getaway car waiting outside a speakeasy robbery, but they actually met through one of Jennifer’s friends. A source says that it’s been going on for a few weeks, but that they’ve been very careful not to be seen together.

Jennifer was most recently linked to Darren Aronofsky, but they called it quits in November. As for Cooke, Page Six doesn’t have any information about him, but since he sort of looks like a handsome Muppet, I’m guessing his last relationship was a fling with Miss Piggy.

This relationship could really be great for Jennifer. Not only does she get a successful dude out of it, but unlike her past two guys, he won’t litter the floors of her house with shedded scarves. Plus, she’ll learn a little thing or two about art. And that can’t be bad, because Jennifer could use a lesson in identifying good art from garbage.


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