Category: Kevin Tsujihara

Charlotte Kirk’s Current Man, Director Neil Marshall, Has Been Accused Of Trying To Extort Ron Meyer

August 20, 2020 / Posted by:

Before this week, the name Charlotte Kirk would make everyone’s brain bring up MariahCareyIDontKnowHer.GIF, which excuse you, this is the huge British movie star who played the pivotal role of “Russian Bride” in 2016’s Kat Fight!. Educate yourselves! But Charlotte Kirk is now known as the center of an ESCANDALO involving the downfall of two studio heads, Ron Meyer and Kevin Tsujihara. And now the names of two directors, Neil Marshall and Joshua Newton, have been added to this saga. Neil, who is currently with Charlotte (The Hollywood Reporter claims they’re married), has been accused of trying to extort Ron Meyer into greenlighting a movie project in exchange for keeping Ron’s affair with Charlotte on the hush. Listen, IN THIS ECONOMY, you gotta do what you gotta do to pay the bills. Some people are selling masks on Etsy. Some people are selling ass shots on OnlyFans. And some people are extorting the married studio mogul their now-wife had an affair with years ago.

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