Good Luck Larry

/ April 1, 2008

Brit Brit Spears has brought an old friend back into her life. I’m not talking about Bit Bit! Bit Bit is probably still hiding in the back of Brit’s closet. It’s been surviving on the cheeto dust that constantly fills the air of Brit’s house.

OK! Magazine reports Larry Rudolph is reportedly back in Brit’s life and once again handling her career. Larry is responsible for turning Brit Brit into an International superstar. You can send your “thank you” fruit baskets to him.

Brit turned on Larry after she got out of Promises in Malibu. She accused him of siding with her parents and turning against her. She dumped him and that’s how Sam Lutfi found his way in.

Daddy Spears has always been fond of Larry and convinced Brit to let him take care of her career once again. Hand Larry the defibrillator. That’s what he’s going to need to bring her career back to what it was.

So the old team is coming back together! They better be making plans to bring back Fee and Big Rob. It would be like 1999 all over again!

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Baby’s Got A New Ring

/ April 1, 2008

Do you think Jamie Lynn Spears is sitting there thinking, “I’ve got the pregnant queefs, I’m wearing this engagement ring that I had to pay for and I’m not even old enough to vote. Where did my life go?” Yeah, probably not. She’s really thinking, “I wonder if my baby is going to be fat. Ugh. I really hope he’s not fat. Can you put a baby on Hoodia? Yeah probably…I mean…if I smash it down with banana. Oh lord, please don’t give me a fat baby.”

Here’s Jamie Lynn running errands in Kentwood yesterday. What’s that pink thing she’s carrying? It’s a girl! She’s totally going to name her Casey Jamie. Either Casey Jamie or Chikezie. Jamie Lynn strikes me as a Chikezie fan and you know she’s considered naming her baby after him.

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Room For Zuckerman?

/ April 1, 2008

Is Andrea Zuckerman coming back to 90210? E!’s Kristin reports that Rob Thomas (not the Matchbox Twenty dude) has just finished his draft of the 90210 remake and there’s a character named Hannah Zuckerman-Vasquez. Hannah is only in it for a quick second. She’s the host of the school’s news show. Jesse Vasquez was the name of Andrea’s dude on the show, so obviously the girl is the spawn of Andrea and Jesse.

Andrea might not be the only one coming back. Rob still has his heart set on bringing that trollop Kelly Taylor back. Kelly is now a fashion design teacher at BHHS. Jennie Garth signed on to do a CBS pilot, so who knows if she will be back.

Rob has also given the Peach Pit a high-class makeover. The dump requires reservations now. WTF is happening to this jewel of a show? And what about the Peach Pit After Dark? Please don’t tell me they are going to go “The OC” route and let stupid ass bands perform their to promote themselves. Ugh.

I’m okay with Andrea coming back, but Kelly Taylor?! I’d rather have Donna Martin back then Kelly Taylor! Rob can even give Tori Spelling her wish of having Donna be a MILF! It would be disgusting and offensive, but I would rather deal with that than Kelly Taylor!

I’ve become at peace with the fact that Brenda will never set foot back in Beverly Hills. She’s too busy touring Europe as a famous actress.

And I leave you with an amazing clip of Donna Martin being pushed down the stairs. She’s so graceful. That hair really brings out the horse in her face.

Thanks Jessica

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