Khloe Kardashian Finally Admits She’s Pregnant

December 21, 2017 / Posted by:

After dragging out the suspense for three long months, Khloe Kardashian has officially announced she’s pregnant with her NBA player boyfriend Tristan Thompson’s baby. Khloe, don’t you EVER pull a stunt like that again! Every day not spent shamelessly exploiting your pregnancy for attention must have had your poor mother doubting the existence of a fame whore god.

33-year-old Khloe and 26-year-old Tristan announced the news on Instagram yesterday with the standard black-and-white hands-on-the-belly picture. But Khloe managed to put her own spin on it. Since Khloe is the fitness one (I think that’s her character on KUWTK?), she posed in a sports bra with either sweat or baby oil slathered on her midsection.

This will be Khloe’s first baby. Tristan already has a 12-month-old son named Prince Oliver with his ex-girlfriend Jordan Craig. Khloe and Tristan have been dating since September 2016. I’ll let you do the math on that one. TMZ notes that all those rings on Khloe’s left hand aren’t what you think they are; she and Tristan haven’t gotten engaged or married.

Earlier this week, E! teased at something that looked suspiciously like Khloe’s pregnancy announcement during a promo for KUWTK. So you should probably expect the cat to run around full-speed now that it’s out of the bag.

When the news broke of Khloe’s alleged pregnancy back in September, the rumor was that she was 3 months along. If that’s true, then March might be the month Khloe gives birth to little Khlomoney Jr. whose first word will no doubt be “Okuuurrrrrrrrr“. Kylie Jenner was rumored to be 5 months pregnant when her knocked-up news leaked, which could possibly put her at the 8-month mark. Oh damn, if she wants to get a little prenatal attention like her sister, she better announce her pregnancy news soon. Maybe Khloe can loan her whoever she hired to airbrush her stomach. It’s never too early for Baby’s First Photoshop manipulation.


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