Shawn Mendes And Camila Cabello Have Reportedly Broken Up Once Again

June 8, 2023 / Posted by:

I hope you appreciated the flicker of light that was the return of Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. The pop-star contract couple lovers tested a re-up of their contract reunited last month after breaking up in November 2021 after two-ish years of publicly making out everywhere they were legally allowed–including television. But it seems that their reunion did not garner the media attention they desired–I MEAN–it didn’t relight that spark of true love between them because Shawn and Camila are reportedly calling it quits once again.

Shawn and Camila took their shit back to the streets of New York City last month after getting “caught” kissing at Coachella in April. Afterward, the lovebirds hit the pap stroll, and it seemed like maybe there would be a return to the glory days of these two making out anywhere a pre-called paparazzi or random bystander could catch a glimpse. But no, it looks like their dog Tarzan is going to have to continue living in a broken home, as a source tells The Sun:

“Shawn and Camila have a lot of history and they tested the waters again after coming back into each other’s lives… But it was just a fling and they’ve put an end to it now… They realized it was probably a mistake to give things another shot. Things ended between them the first time for a reason, after all.”

I know, when you leave a job you get tired of, sometimes you think you want to go back because your new job is fresh and confusing, but then you remember all the things about that first gig that you hated and realize, hmmm, the learning curve of the new job isn’t that bad. Sure, Shawn will have to get used to having a new person’s toes in his mouth for social media pictures, but that’s just a part of any new workplace!

Pic: John Palmer/Media Punch/INSTARimages

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