People Are Confused As To Why A Kiss Between Jonah Hill And Lauren London In “You People” Was CGI’ed

February 7, 2023 / Posted by:

Say what you will about nepotism babies having an unfair advantage in Hollywood. But the sad truth is that they actually have to work twice as hard and be 100% more committed to their craft than their common, low-born peers if they hope to be taken seriously as an actor. They simply cannot afford to half-ass anything, even if they can afford everything else. And I can’t think of another actor who has overcome as much adversity as son-of-insiders Jonah Hill. No, not even his sister Beanie Feldstein! Over the past decade, Jonah’s gone from having to debase himself on Saturday Night Live by sloppily French kissing Andy Samberg’s dad, to being able to harness the power of CGI to kiss his costar Lauren London in the Netflix movie You People, having survived instigating feuds with Don Lemon and Mr. Shue from Glee and a grueling apology tour for shouting homophobic slurs at the paparazzi along the way. Show me a low-born who matches Jonah in tenacity against the odds. I’ll wait.

According to You People actor Andrew Schulz, for reasons unknown, a kiss between Jonah and Lauren that appears in the last scene of the movie was simulated using movie magic. Complex reports:

You People cast member Andrew Schulz alleges the wedding sequence where Jonah Hill and Lauren London kiss was done using CGI.

“There’s a hilarious thing, I don’t even know if I should share this shit, but the final scene, they don’t even kiss. It’s CGI. Swear to god, son,” Schulz said on the Brilliant Idiots podcast, which the comedian co-hosts with Charlamagne tha God.

He continued near the 9:30 mark below, “I’m there, I’m watching the wedding, and I see them go in for the kiss, and their faces stop like this far. And I’m like, ‘I wonder how they’re going to play that in the movie. Oh, they’re probably just gonna cut right there.’ But the movie, you can see their faces come close, and then you can see their faces morph a little bit into a fake kiss.”

Here’s the scene and Andrew’s description of the ALMOST kiss that led up to it.

While you ponder the possible contract negotiations that necessitated the use of CGI, I’ll remind you that we can’t ask Jonah about it because he’s decided he can no longer participate in any press or promotion for his movies for the sake of his mental health. But if one of these actors has a No Kissy-Kissy Clause in their contract, I’m gonna guess it’s Jonah. But don’t forget, he earned the right of refusal the hard way. And not even The Daily Mail can take that away from him by printing photos of him shirtless. An invasion of privacy an actress of common parentage like Lauren would probably never have to worry about.

The fact that Lauren has kissed on screen before doesn’t really solve this riddle because, as previously noted, Jonah has also kissed on screen in the past. And it was quite wet. Wetter than the wetsuit he wore when he swore “I will never stop doing things that make me happy,” after local surfers told him he ruined their surfing spot.

So, I gave you a long time to come up with that name, and you have yet to provide me with an answer so I’ll just give it to you — There simply is no actor of common origin who has done as much, with as little, than Jonah has.

Pic: Twitter

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