Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott Still Don’t Care About Being Called Climate Criminals

December 6, 2022 / Posted by:

Climate criminals Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott still don’t give a hoot if you think they’re climate criminals. Back in July, these two got shit when Kylie posted a pic of her and Travis kissing in front of two private jets. The caption read, “you wanna take mine or yours?” People accused Kylie of bragging about something that destroys the planet. Then fans dug into her private flight history, and discovered that Kylie regularly took flights that lasted less than 15 minutes. Neither Kylie or Travis commented on the controversy, and now, five months later, they’re back to their old tricks. Buzzfeed reports that, on December 2, 25-year-old Kylie took her private jet from Miami to Van Nuys, California. Shortly after, 31-year-old Travis made the exact same trip on his jet. Each 5-hour trip used over 15,000 pounds of jet fuel and emitted 25 tons of carbon dioxide. But, hey, at least the couple didn’t have to make awkward small talk during the flight. “So, um… Travis, was it? Do you have any hobbies? Other than being a giant piece of shit?”

Here are the reports about each flight:

The reaction to this latest discovery enraged some people. You know, the well-intentioned poors who take 3-minute showers and wash their containers out before they recycle them. Buzzfeed did a round-up of some of their comments on a Reddit thread:

“Does she not realise this is the same planet her kids has to live in too?” wrote one user on Reddit. “Like fine they obviously don’t give a fuck about anyone else but their kids are going to suffer from global warming too. idk these people are unimaginably selfish.”

“How do they not feel bad for the planet?” one person asked. Another added: “The planet is suffocating.”

Some commenters theorized that the Kardashian-Jenners have an “exit plan” to escape Earth once it’s finally destroyed. This got me thinking… what if we were to somehow convince them all that the planet is definitely going to explode in 2023? They’d immediately call up Elon Musk and get their asses on the first private shuttle to Mars! Now, this worldwide lie would be a lot of work to keep up, so we’d allll have to agree to keep quiet. But if it gets the Kardashians 140 million miles away from Earth, methinks it could be the perfect solution. Now they’re Mars’ problem. Get ready for some bonkers beauty standards and ear-shattering vocal fry, Martians!

Pic: Blitz Pictures/ Images

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