Shakira Claims That She’s A Victim Of A Smear Campaign And Has Proof Of Her Innocence In Spanish Tax Case

November 28, 2022 / Posted by:

Shakira has been dealing with some tax problems for a few years now after the Spanish government came after her for unpaid taxes. The case will go to trial, and Shakira could face up to 8 years in prison if she’s convicted. In the October issue of Elle, Shakira denied any wrongdoing and said that she’s paid everything the Spanish government claims she owes, and yet they’re still coming after her. Now, she’s filed documents against the Spanish prosecutors once again affirming her innocence and saying that they’re trying to smear her. Hmm, that explains the boars. The government paid those wild boars to fuck with her.

Shakira is accused of owing more than $14 million in taxes from the years 2012 to 2014. Shakira has long denied being a full-time resident of Spain during those times and instead claimed her full-time residence as the Bahamas. That’s the real reason these celebrities are jet-setting climate criminals: tax avoidance! Spanish prosecutors disagree, and they want Shakira to be hit with an 8-year prison sentence and a $24 million fine. But Shakira has continued to fight them, and in her latest documents, she claimed that from 2012 to 2014, she paid millions in taxes to Uncle Sam. TMZ has the details:

Shakira is firing back at Spanish prosecutors, claiming she’s the victim of a smear campaign and has the receipts to prove it…

She says during the period in question, she actually paid $10,141,075 in taxes to the U.S. government–this is the time when she appeared as a coach on The Voice. She says she was not in Spain for the requisite period of time–183 days.

…she says in new legal docs she’s paid more than $90 mil to Spain’s version of Uncle Sam.

According to the legal docs, Shakira declared herself a tax resident of Spain in 2015, after settling there with her family and enrolling her son in school.

Shakira claims the government is also gunning for her failure to pay in 2011 … she says she was on a global tour and only spent a grand total of 60 days in the country.

She says prosecutors have violated her right of privacy and the presumption of innocence by putting her on blast the way they have. She calls it a smear campaign.

Hopefully, for Shakira, she’s got the evidence that vindicates her! But if not, she better hope that prisons in Spain are as nice as the American ones that offer pilates and origami classes.

Pic: IPA/INSTARimages

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