A Source Says Breaking Up With Harry Styles Has Been “Difficult” For Olivia Wilde

November 23, 2022 / Posted by:

Last week, the news broke that Olivia Wilde (Nips McGee on the right) and Harry Styles (Star Wars baddie on the left) had split. Well, the exact language was, “they’re on a break.” Sure. Now People is reporting that a source claims the couple’s break up is “difficult” for Olivia, and she’s “disappointed.” Um. That’s it? No more details? Sigh. I don’t know about you, but after the highs and lows of the Jason Sudeikis/Don’t Worry Darling drama, the end of Wilde n’ Stylez is totally underwhelming. I want to read about Olivia throwing a bottle of salad dressing in Harry’s face. I want to see paparazzi pics of Harry wearing the “Miss Flo” T-shirt. I want need mess, goddammit! But, so far… nada.

Here’s exactly a source tells People:

“The break has been difficult for Olivia. They have had some issues, but Olivia thought they were gonna work through it all. She is disappointed. It’s just a tricky situation, though.”

An insider said last week that the “very amicable decision” to put their romance on pause was because Styles is “still touring and is now going abroad” while Wilde “is focusing on her kids and her work in L.A.” They simply “have different priorities that are keeping them apart,” a friend of the pair added.

Olivia’s alleged disappointment tells me that Harry was the one who ultimately pulled the plug. I think she thought this shit was forever. Did you read her custody docs with Jason Sudeikis? Jason alleged that Olivia told him that was planning to move their two kids to England in 2023 so they could all live with Harry. Jason says he freaked out, and that’s why he served Olivia custody papers (via an extremely chaotic process server, onstage at CinemaCon).

So, there’s your Olivia Wilde & Harry Styles break-up update. Fingers crossed that the next “source” who blabs to People gives us less “Olivia’s PR team” and more “disgruntled former nanny with nothing to lose.”

Pics: Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/ABACA/INSTARimages.com/Cover Images

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