Production Will Resume On “Rust” After Alec Baldwin And The Producers Have Reached A Settlement Agreement With Halyna Hutchins’ Family

October 5, 2022 / Posted by:

A week has come and gone and still no word from the Santa Fe District Attorney’s office as to whether or not they will be filing criminal charges against anybody for the on-set shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of Rust. Similarly, Alec Baldwin and his wife have gone an entire week without having another baby, so one might assume that no progress at all has been made on either getting justice for Halyna’s death or in the creation of a new Baldwinito to help keep us focused on the importance of living in one’s truth. But that’s not the case. Deadline reports that Halyna’s husband Matthew Hutchins has reached a settlement agreement with Alec and other Rust producers in the wrongful death suit he filed against them back in February. Surprisingly, the settlement would give Matthew a producing credit on Rust, and production is set to resume in January with “all the original principal players,” including director Alec and the man he also shot, director Joel Souza.

At first, I was really scratching my head trying to figure out why Matthew would want anything to do with Rust or Alec moving forward, but he says that he’s taken on a producing role and wants to see the picture finished to “pay tribute to Halyna’s final work.” I hope Matthew rolls onto set every day in a different Bentley with a bumper sticker that reads “My other car is another Bently Alec Baldwin paid for with his house in the Hamptons.” Deadline reports:

Rust Movie Productions LLC and its Rust star and producer Alec Baldwin have reached a settlement with the estate of slain cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. As part of the peace, her husband Matthew Hutchins will executive produce Rust, which will return to production in January 2023 with the original cast.

“We have reached a settlement, subject to court approval, for our wrongful death case against the producers of Rust, including Alec Baldwin and Rust Movie Productions, LLC. As part of that settlement, our case will be dismissed,” Matthew Hutchins said Wednesday morning.

“The filming of Rust, which I will now executive produce, will resume with all the original principal players on board in January 2023,” Hutchins added of the most confidential agreement.

“I have no interest in engaging in recriminations or attribution of blame (to the producers or Mr. Baldwin). “All of us believe Halyna’s death was a terrible accident. I am grateful that the producers and the entertainment community have come together to pay tribute to Halyna’s final work.”

Alec announced the settlement today on his Instagram writing:

We are pleased to announce today the settlement of the civil case filed on behalf of the family of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son.  We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation.

Man, no wonder Matthew wants to work with Alec. He is an incredible actor. I would never have known that Alec didn’t write that from the bottom of his heart if his attorney hadn’t issued the exact same statement.

Baldwin’s attorney, Luke Nikas of Quinn Emanuel, added: “Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation.”

Well, it’s a financial resolution at any rate. There are still a few criminal matters that need to be resolved. Good thing it looks like Alec has finally given his attornies script approval.

The culmination of weeks of negotiations, today’s news comes as the final report of the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Office’s investigation into Hutchins’ death and what really went down at the Bonanza Creek Ranch location that terrible day is expected to be handed over soon to local District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies. Several Rust crew members including armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed have already filed ongoing civil lawsuits of their own in New Mexico and California. However, Wednesday’s agreement between the Hutchins family and Baldwin and other Rust producers could shift the legal landscape for those civil cases and any possible criminal charges from the Santa Fe D.A.

And so it seems Alec may finish this year without having to do a perp walk after all. Which is too bad because it’s rare we get the chance to watch a true master of the pap stroll ply their craft, sans Starbucks, while wearing handcuffs.

Pic: BauerGriffin/

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